Hotel is a market itself!!!!a great giant market!!!

in appics •  5 years ago 


We everybody love to travel.
We everybody are dreaming to @travel around the world.
We all visit defferent place for different reasons but before the journey will start , one question will must arrive, "where will we stay at night?"
The answer is simple.!!!!! @HOTEL!!!!
Hotel is a place where we can stay like a home and Instead we pay money.

Nowadays hotel is not just a safe destination during the journey. Now it's become a market. defferent type of sector specially has built Surrounding the hotel.

The prominent sectors are--
@education - This sector has been traditionally blown away. Billion of dollars has been invested in this sector.
There are huge number of course are available like hotel management, cooking, account and so on.
Each and every course is specifically designed for hotel prospective.

Infrastructure- architecture farms, construction sectors also have been boosting for hotel business. Many manufacturing and small businesses are also getting priviledge for hotel industry.

Now hotel becomes a giant @market in the world. Social and global interactivity and connectivity are enhancing and hotel is acting as a key role on this journey.

I personally believe , hotel industry has positive potential for the future market.


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