Aqua Infinity Fitness
The human body loves to be nurtured. The human body loves to be nurtured with exercise. Exercise not of continuous strain but of continuous flow of motion. Aqua Infinity Fitness is a conscious low impact approach to fitness and health. A designed routine that is not governed by repetitions counted but by the pure acknowledgment of how the body feels during the execution.
The practitioner, with a deep steady breath and a continuous motion of flow pays full focus and attention on the minor and major muscle groups as the rhythmic execution of this resistance workout is performed. As the arms and legs rotate and pump with varying degrees of resistance pressured applied, a multilayered stimulus is activated to the whole of the body as the body’s structure.
This method of work out is one not so much geared towards building muscle mass as much as it is more a toning and strengthening of the tissue mass of the body. This fitness approach is not a competition but is instead cooperation between one’s mind and body. You push and flow your body till that particular method lets you know it’s time to shift the pressure of influence onto another area. Adjusting both velocity and angle of execution will affect and help sculpt all portions of particular muscle groups under influence. When performed properly and one’s own personal rhythm is achieved, the entire body will be stimulated by this multifaceted continues resistance workout flow.
Rhythm 1 – The Fan
Submerge body to chest deep in the water. Feet placed at about shoulder width apart with legs in a slight squat position.
Arms extended out horizontally to ones side with palms facing forward. Deep breathe in and slowly bring the extended arms forward towards one another. Upon approaching center point of the body, guild the right arm over the top of the left until both arms are folded inwards as if you are ready to give yourself a hug. With palms facing inwards towards self, a sudden downward directional shift is made just as the hands reach the opposing elbows. With an out breath, the palms now begin the decent and push down and away from the body until a full extension is achieved. Continue the push back and around till both arms are just behind the body where then a down ward press is applied and a 180 degree pivot of the palms is made again restoring the arms into their original horizontal starting position.
During the arm activation of the upper body, the legs should be in a constant push off and release motion oscillating from left to right and back to front.
Muscles affected – Trapezius / Rhombiodeus / Deltoids / Teres Minor - Major Muscle / Pectoralis Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Bicep Bronchii – Long, Lateral, Medial / Brachioradialis – Forarms / Tricep Brochii, Exterior Carpi Radialus Longus
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Rhythm 2 – The Swing
Submerge the body till neck deep on the water. Feet placed at shoulder distance apart with right foot forward. Arm down by at ones side with palms facing backwards.
With an in breath, arms raise forward with a slight outward arch. While ascending with a steady force, just before reaching the surface of the water, graduate the arms in a slight spherical motion towards center body. With arms now extended out in front of the body accompanied by a slow out breath, with palms facing down, push downwards against the water until the arms pass completely the center side points of the body.
Continue the push back and up with a slight outward rotation upon reaching your furthest comfortable extension back. Transitioning into the in breath, the arms push forwards in full extension until again reaching the water surface to the front of the body.
During the forward thrust of the arm, press and extend off the back left leg and upon the backward thrust, press and extend off the right front leg. After achieving several cycles, transition both legs placing the left foot forward and right leg back.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Latissimus Dorsi / External Oblique / Teres Major and Minor / Rhomboid Minor / Surratus Anterior
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Rhythm 3 – Core Infinity
Submerge the body to chest deep of water. Position feet at a wider width than shoulder span apart with arms placed down at ones side, palms facing in opposite directions. Feet should be placed side by side at shoulder width apart with legs in a slight squatting position.
With an in breath, extend arms out in opposite directions and initiate a figure eight pattern with one arm hooking forward in front of the body, and the other swiping back behind the body. As the circular full extension of both arms is achieved, drive both hands back in towards the body so that both palms are now facing and coming back in towards center of body. Bypassing each other at the body’s midsection, the arms track in opposite direction creating an inward centrifugal push and pull effect. Oscillating between the vertical and horizontal as well as the in and out breath will achieve pronouncement of influence on the wider spectrum of muscles used.
Legs and feet to remain in a locked wide squatting position and used as stabilizers and can push off against the opposing upper body pressure.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / External Oblique / Teres Major and Minor / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Rhythm 4 – The Screw
Submerge the body to shoulder depth of water with feet spread slightly wider then shoulder width apart with legs settled in slight squat position. Arms extended out horizontally at the water’s surface with palms facing down.
With and in breath, begin dropping both arms towards the center body while initiating an inward pivot of the right shoulder towards the body’s center point. As the extended right arm passes across the front of the body, the left arm flows up and behind the body from left to right. Once the full extension is executed by both arms, pivot the palms of the hands into the opposite direction and begin to descend both arms back to the body’s center bringing the shoulders and hips back into alignment. As arms cross midsection of the body, continue to expand raising and extending the arms out and up to return the original position.
Continuing the flow but in the opposite twisting direction, pivot the left shoulder towards the center body while passing the left arm in front and across the front of the body moving from left to right. Complete the sweeping rotation till both arms have reached full extension again near the surface of the water.
As the front arm reaches its full extension, the opposing leg should also be active in slight side to side extensions. Upon the arms settling back to center, the legs settle into a deeper squatting position.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Rhythm 5 – The Rake
Submerge the body to waist deep of water. Place feet wider than shoulder distance apart and leg in an exaggerated squatting position. Arms should be relaxing down at the side of the body.
With an in breath, reach the right arm across the front of the body until the right palm is close to being over the top of the left foot. Left arm and shoulder should be dipped under the right of the upper body. With an out breath and a push off the left leg, pull and drag both extended arms over and across the center of the body towards and over the right leg. Once left leg is in full extension and a majority of the body is positioned over the right leg, rotate the left arm and shoulder to fall and dip under the right arm and begin to pull back towards the center and onward s to the left of the body. Subtle adjustments activated between the legs, the bodies midsection and resistance applied by the drag of the arms will determine the extent at which different muscle groups will be affected.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis / Quadratus Lumborium / Psoas Major / Lliacus / Sartorius / Adductor Longus / Vastus Intermedius – Lateralis – Medialis / Adductor Mangus
Rhythm 6 – Agua Curl / Aqua Pull
Submerge body to just above waist deep of water with the upper body at a slight lean forward. Place feet at shoulder distance apart with legs in a slight squat position. Arms placed down to ones side with palms facing forward.
Activate the right arm by reaching back behind the body and pull forward in a curling fashion. Upon completion and full extension out in front of the body, lift the arm out of the water and re position to back behind the body. At this point the left arm should just be completing its forward curl.
The same left right mechanics are to be applied for the pullback routine. Lifting the right arm out of the water and extending it out fully in front and slightly in towards center, pull back against the water’s surface until the backwards pull extends well past and back behind the body.
During each forward aqua curl, press off the leg on the same side of the arm executing the curl. Likewise when performing the aqua pull, push and extend off the leg on the same side of the body. When executing properly, a continuous pumping motion that oscillates from the left to right and back to front should be achieved.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis / Quadratus Lumborium / Psoas Major / Lliacus / Sartorius / Adductor Longus / Vastus Intermedius – Lateralis – Medialis / Adductor Mangus
Rhythm 7 – Body brush
Submerge the body into shoulder depth of water with feet placed at shoulder width apart. Legs should be relaxed in a slight squatting position. Arm to be relaxing down by the side of the body.
With an in breath, bring both arms slightly to the fore of the body while cupping both and inward towards one another. Bring both hands towards each other then turn the palm upwards and pull the hands up along the front of the body. As both open hands reach the surface of the water to the front of the body, pivot the palm 180 degrees so that they are now facing in the downward position. With an out breath, push and extend down the front of the body till both arm reach full extension. Return the palms to an upward position and repeat the cycle.
Legs can be activated in a press up while the upward pull of the arms and hands is being executed.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Rhythm 8 – The Kick
Submerge the body to neck deep in the water. Left arm should be extended out straight in front of the body at the surface of the water. Right arm should be extended back behind the body, also near the surface of the water. Place the right foot forward so most of the bodies weight is placed directly over the right leg. The left leg should be extended out back behind the body.
With an out breath, begin kicking the left leg forward keeping it as rigid as possible. As the left leg begins to transition from back to front, the left arm, acting as a stabilizer for keeping the body center and vertical, will move in opposite direction from the leg and should pass the body’s midsection at the exact same time. The right arm should be mirroring the left legs sweep forward. Once the leg and arms reach full forward and back extension, begin to fall all extended appendages back towards the center body.
Oscillations from vertical to more horizontal kicks and arm sweeps will change up pressures being applied deep within the core body as well as fine muscles structure within and around the groin area. Transitioning from a forceful forward push to a harder backward dig of the leg will graduate the influence to more the hamstring area.
Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis / Quadratus Lumborium / Psoas Major / Lliacus / Sartorius / Adductor Longus / Vastus Intermedius – Lateralis – Medialis / Adductor Mangus
Rhythm – 9 Inward Cross Knee
Submerge the body until shoulder depth of water. Arms to be relaxed down to one’s side. Place right foot forward with a majority of the body’s weight over the right leg. The left leg should be set back behind and to the outside of the left side of the body. Feet should spread apart about shoulder width.
With and in breath through the nose, reach the bodies left arm over towards the right side of the body and once a comfortable extension is achieved, begin a pull back towards the body center with both arms. Simultaneously, begin lifting and pulling forward the left leg led by the knee in a wide inward sweep.
Depending on the strength of the lower back, a variation of how much drag is to be applied by the extension of the lower leg. At this point, the body should be balanced over the right leg and foot while the left knee and opposing left and right arms close inwards to the center of the body. Upon reaching just about the center point, dive the back down under the body and prepare the left leg to stabilize the body as the right leg begins activation. With the crossing of the center point of the body by arms, a rotation occurs where by the leading left arm then transition down below the right arm. To follow, both the upper and lower portions of the body compress again towards the center.
Primary muscles used - Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis / Quadratus Lumborium / Psoas Major / Lliacus / Sartorius / Adductor Longus / Vastus Intermedius – Lateralis – Medialis / Adductor Mangus
Rhythm – 10 The Surge
Submerge the body to just above waist deep of water. Arms to be relaxed down to ones side while the legs remain in a deep squat.
With and in breath through the nose, take a long wide step forward and with and out breath through the mouth, surge the body off of the left leg while separating both left and right arms out to the side of the body to add a further resistance. Continue the transition from left to right leg while concentrating on the deep stretch and pushing and pulling performed over by much of the leg from the inner groin, hamstrings, quads, and down through the final spring step of the calves. The arms will be acting as stabilizers but can also be activated surging both forwards and backwards creating a simultaneous upper body work out as well.
Primary muscles used - Muscles Affected – Trapezius / Rhomboidius / Posterior - Anterior Deltoids / Teres Major / Latissimus Dorsi / Triceps / Extensor Carpi Radialis longus / Extensor Digitorum / Rectus Abdominus / Surratus Anterior / External Oblique / Pectorals Major / Rectus Abdominal / Biceps Brochii
Legs – Rectus Femoris / Vastus Medialis / Peronius Longus / Tibialis Anterior / Gastronemius / Extensor Digitorum Brevis / Quadratus Lumborium / Psoas Major / Lliacus / Sartorius / Adductor Longus / Vastus Intermedius – Lateralis – Medialis / Adductor Mangus