How to clean your aquarium?

in aquarium •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hi there,

Over the time I've seen and heard many stories about how people clean their aquariums. Most of them repeat the same mistake of taking everything out of the tank (including soil/gravel) and deep cleaning it in the running water. This is a big no-no, because soil/gravel and everything else in the aquarium contains nitrifying bacteria that's responsible for stability of the tank and denitrification. Browsing through FB groups and various forums I've noticed many people make that mistake and then wonder why they can't keep their tanks in a good shape, have to deal with algae and their fish keep on dying.

I've decided to make a video about my maintenance routine, which I've been doing for years. So far there's been no problems at all, my plant look nice, the residents are healthy and happy and everything looks great.

What are your ways of taking care of your tanks? Let me know.

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