The world's largest aquifer is in Brazil (and is capable of supplying water to the entire planet for 250 years)

in aquifer •  8 years ago 

Ever wondered if there was a reservoir of groundwater capable of supplying the entire planet for two and a half centuries? For believe me, it already exists. And it stays in Brazil - more precisely in the Amazon region.

Called SAGA (Sistema Amazônia Grande Amazônia), it was discovered by researchers from the Federal University of Pará and has 162,520 km³, which underground water more than 150 quadrillion liters (!) Of water.

To get an idea of ​​the huge size it has, the Guarani aquifer, which was considered the largest in the world before the discovery of the SAGA, has 39 thousand km³. That is, it is more than four times smaller.

So is the problem of water shortage in the world solved with SAGA? Unfortunately not. This is because, according to the researchers, only to carry the resource to other parts of Brazil would be necessary "pharaonic works". Imagine for the rest of the world ...

While science and technology do not invent a way to use this water, it continues to be used only to supply the cities of the Amazon Valley, such as Manaus and Santarém. But the reflection remains: if we had so much water at our disposal, would we know how to use it consciously, or would the waste run loose?

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