RE: Thoughts on Storming Area 52

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Thoughts on Storming Area 52

in area52 •  6 years ago 

It’s part of much larger plan of theirs to overwhelm ALL known systems and blow things up to start new. Overwhelm immigration , free healthcare, free college etc....everywhere to bring down what has stood.

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The problem is, it both works and doesn't work.

If faith can be maintained in the dollar, the system has unlimited money.
However, there isn't much faith left in the dollar
and they are printing money as fast as the economy can handle..

The problem, as Catherine Austin Fitts says, is that they are trying to fund two economies out of the same pie.

I feel it is just better for everyone to stop paying taxes.

I have a very strong feeling MUCH is being done with a “reset” or crypto related vehicle. They keep saying “a level playing field” at ALL levels — at the IMF, SEC, and some tech companies like Ripple. Why are they all saying the same thing? Something is coming quite soon.

The "level playing field" is the buzz word, the hook to get people in it.

They did the same thing with the Federal Reserve.
Saying there would never be a run on the banks ever again.

But, T.H.E.Y. are really trying to work on a crypto (because they are that much better than the current bank operations) that T.H.E.Y. control.

Fortunately, T.H.E.Y. cannot see what is good about cryptos, so their "cryptos" will be missing essential features and will fail.