AM Scribbles Day 4 – Note for a Friend

in art-series •  7 years ago 

AM Scribbles Day 4 – Note for a Friend

This little note card is for a family member who is also a good friend. We don't see each other often because he is serving a long incarceration sentence in a facility many hours from where I live.

Not much pencil this time, only a frame outline

Add a little bit of color wash and a few details

Final details and pen

Are handwritten notes and cards becoming "too old-fashioned"?
Do you enjoy receiving thoughtful, personalized handmade items?
When was the last time you hand-wrote a letter or note to a friend or loved one?

Thanks for stopping by today - see you for AM Scribbles Day 5!

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Getting handwritten letters are my new faverite thing... It was something I took for granted until one day I started getting them again and realized how nice they really are.

Keep it up - whoever is getting this is probably super happy with your attention to detail and attention to the relationship.

Thanks ☺
Finding a hand addressed, hand written letter in the mail is like finding a gift! I actually made this as a response to a card he sent me recently.

Do you include any drawings or sketches in your renewed correspondence?

All the time.^_^

That's more fun than the words, IMO ☺
Pen pals are awesome!!

There are some "old fashioned" things that should stay in the past and never again see practice. Handwritten notes and cards are very definitely not one of them :D


I agree!
Thanks @ryivhnn

This is super awesome... handwritten/drawn goodies are always the best... i'm sure he will appreciate the hell outta stuff like this... i know when my brother was locked up i used to draw so many letters and whatnot they started sending them back hahaha... i'm really digging this image

Lol - must have been stacks and stacks of letters! My cousin and I used to write back and forth a few times a week, but he was moved last year to an older facility that has a much slower mail process and stricter "graffiti rules" regarding the art that moves through there. Thanks for the feedback, always appreciate your comments!

hahaha yea... it was more the art i kept sending..nothing bad in anyway or explicit... just way to much haha.. cause he draws as there for graffiti... so we were drawing a comic back and forth... the gov didn't seem to like that kind of stuff to much... supposed to be torture in there or some being in a cage isn't punishment enough... anyway crazy sidetrack... keep up the dope works

Yes, we all love the System. Thanks again for your support!

Real letters are the best!

Do you remember passing handwritten notes in high school? I remember the thrill of writing a love-letter in class, folding it into a little football, and then crossing paths with my girlfriend in the hall at the usual place and wordlessly swapping notes to be surreptitiously read later that day.

Kids today are really missing out with texts and instant messages.

Oh, for sure. I was a career note-writer when in school! If my memory serves, the note's content was way less important than 1) the handwriting neatness, 2) quality of any included doodles and 3) the execution of the fold. I agree, an electronic message is definitely not the same as passing a paper note. The text message leaves something to be desired, even with emojis.

Thanks for sharing!

I love writing and receiving hand written notes or cards.....always have. I find them more precious than a purchased one. It's too bad that this practice has died (for most people), except for children - they love writing and drawing random cards.

I particularly like this one you made for your friend. I am not sure what you intended it to represent but to me, it looks like an evergreen growing inside a pinecone. A powerful message if so.

Beautifully done.

Thanks @countrygirl, nice to see you again!

It seems so many people enjoy receiving hand-written letters or notes but after a certain age stop making them. I like your interpretation! To me it looks like a path of black stones leading through some kind of strange canyon, but I used a picture of feathers for the inspiration.

Take care.

Your interpretation, yes, I can see that!! The in Psalm you have to go read it to see what I mean.....tricky me. :)

Feathers....yes, I did see feathers at first but thought, nah. You know I don't recall being inspired by something....or at least being aware of it. I'll have to be on the lookout to see what does inspire me.

Psalm 23..."valley" tipped me off, but I still had to double check to make sure it was the right psalm!

Inspiration is literally all around us all the time, no matter our surroundings. And at the same time, inspiration lies within us too.

In my experience, inspiration does not always come in a nice, shiny or bright package. Sometimes it's in the darkest, ugliest recesses imaginable. Other times finding inspiration is only a matter of tuning out the daily "noise" in which we are inundated.

I've started writing letters to keep in touch with a number of my distant cousins. I find that the time it takes for a letter to be written and delivered, is the ideal amount of time that should pass between two people who want to stay in touch.

When you text every day, or call every week eventually you're just talking for the sake of talking.

When you write a letter, enough time passes that you have a lot to say to someone.

So i think this hand drawn correspondence you're having is great :)

Yes, in my experience also, "talking for the sake of talking" becomes boring and pointless.

Cousins and other distant relatives seem to be good candidates for letters because there is a meaningful connection but there is the possibility for a lot of gaps to be filled in too. When enough gaps are filled on both sides of the story, we see one bigger picture and gain greater understanding.

Thanks for reading and sharing.