Vincent Van Gogh was born in March 1852, son of the nervous Anna Cornelia and her husband Theodorus, a strict Protestant pastor who reacted coldly the day they had to bury his firstborn and is that few know that Vincent Van Gogh had been born dead.

Exactly one year later the couple had another son and since he was born alive, they decided to name him the previous son and nothing happened here. On March 30, 1853, the protagonist of this story, Vincent, was born in Zundert, the Netherlands. Van Gogh
Her mother had four other children but she could never overcome the death of the first, in fact she was a cold woman with little Vincent, as if she blamed him for the death of her brother. Vincent resented that lack of love all his life.
In the words of Van Gogh himself, his childhood was sad, cold and sterile, the rejection of his mother was imprinted on his soul, but to be fair she also learned to love the countryside, to take long walks to analyze nature and all this was reflected in his works.
From the age of 9 he was already drawing and there were samples of what would surprise the world centuries later.
His education was erratic and due to the financial problems that his parents lived, he was forced to leave school at age 15 and left to work with his uncle in an art gallery, he was fascinated, he did not live with his strict and cold parents. the first time in his life, he felt happy. Despite not going to school Vincent had discovered his vocation, wanted to devote himself to art but did not know how.

He started reading, how much book he found and so he learned to speak French and English, he spent his evenings in museums trying to learn to distinguish what critics called "Good art" and "Bad art".
In July 1873, he was transferred to work in an art gallery in London, where he discovered the depressing paintings of Gustave Doré that reflected the decline of English society, Van Gogh was 20 years old and his life lacked stability in every way. But then he fell in love, the daughter of the owner of the boarding house where she was staying was called Úrsula Loyer, she had a daughter named Eugenia who sometimes helped her mother in the work of the boarding house, when she did she exchanged glances with Vincent and I smiled.

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Life was different for the young Van Gogh who slept with a smile and woke up thinking about the time of day that would cross with Eugenia, the young woman also sought to meet him to smile and so he knew that she was also in love.
The flirting lasted a long time, but Vincent made no move, remember that at that time the ultraconservative society saw with bad eyes that a young girl took the initiative so that the girl had no choice but to wait. The looks and the tension between them increased, Eugenia looked for any opportunity to meet Vincent and receive looks of affection and compliments, finally the young man was encouraged to declare his love, he was madly mad for her and went to ask for her hand.
She saw him arrive with flowers, she was nervous, her mother was present but he did not care, she wanted a formal relationship and had to ask for Mrs. Ursula's approval.
Finally Vincent declared his love to Eugenia that nervously told him no. Because I was engaged to another man, all those flirtations were a game for her.
Vincent was surprised, but he was not discouraged, all those looks and flirting were for something so he told her that he would make her happy, that he would go out of his way for her but Eugenia did not give in and Vincent crying asked her to reconsider her position but she did not flinch to see him cry.
Ursula got involved defending her daughter and Vincent soon started arguing with both women, she got rid of all her things, she sold everything and left there, something had changed in him, all her childhood memories of her mother's rejection came back is that she not only rejected him, forced Vincent from childhood to go to see the grave of his dead brother, see his name engraved in a grave and the rejection of his mother and now the one of the girl he loved made him a sad being and irritable.
To add insult to injury he was dismissed from the gallery and took refuge in religion, returned to Amsterdam where he decided to become a pastor like his father, spent a year studying theology, focused on it day and night and spent days without food concentrating on passing the admission Test.

Finally came the day of the test and Vincent devastated everything, he was a genius, by then he was fluent in 6 languages and writing in 4, he just needed to accept something and his entry to the university would be official; he had to commit to studying Latin. But Van Gogh refused, said it was useless and that he would not do it, "Latin is a dead language and the poor do not speak it, there is no point in wasting my time," he told them.
The theology school denied him admission arguing that his attitude was intransigent.
But he did not care, knowing a genius went to the Belgian school of theology but they also rejected him as a fool.
Sad went to live near coal mines on the pretext of going to help people. He became a volunteer of the church and preached the gospel to the workers.
His desire to help (or punish) was so much that he gave his own house to needy people, he slept in the barracks, he was dirty, his food was given to him, his clothes were broken, and his fame reached the ears of the church, People called him "The Jesus Christ of coal mines." The leaders of the church knew of their sorrows and summoned him, wanted to know and say a few words to that man who was martyred to help others.
The evangelical committee, when facing him, told Vincent that a man in the service of God should take his word with dignity and he did not live with dignity, so he was forbidden to volunteer and he was thrown out of the place.
Now not only his mother and his beloved, even the church had rejected him.

He was 27 years old, had no job, studies, family, and everyone considered him a failure, except his brother Theo, who sent him money, encouraged him to devote himself fully to painting and even find a new love.
His brother was the only one who loved him and trusted him. Vincent wrote letters to Theo constantly, the affection of his brother, gave him new energy.
In addition to the economic help he gave he devoted himself to painting again and in the process fell in love with a woman (Now yes single), but there was a detail was his cousin, (Cornelia Adriana Vos Stricker or "Kee") also had just become widowed and Vincent, madly in love, just listened to her sorrows and tried to comfort her, one afternoon while she cried in his arms, Vincent proposed to her. She was offended by the proposal and told him to respect her grief, he made less the comment saying that if she married him he would stop being sad.
She went to her home in Amsterdam so as not to meet up with Vincent who kept insisting on the same subject.

But he refused again to accept the rejection and went after her, his family to know that he was welcomed with joy until they learned of their intentions, Kee, seeing him arrive ran to his room and locked himself, then Vincent put the He put his hand on a lamp and said he would not take his hand off the fire until she agreed to see him again and said yes to his marriage proposal, but they simply turned off the lamp and threw him out of the house, telling him that his insistence was disgusting.

Finally they managed to take him away from the place.
With a broken heart he left to never return and settled in The Hague on the advice of his brother Theo, who still loved him (and kept him)
Also on Theo's advice he looked for his cousin Antón, a watercolor painter who lived in that city, thanks to Antón he made his first watercolors and refined his painting technique, his brushstrokes improved every day, and although he still did not sell any Again during this stage of productivity again found love, the chosen was Clasina Maria Hoornik, "Sien", she was an alcoholic prostitute, ill with syphilis who lived with her daughter on the street and was also pregnant.

Van Gogh invited her to live with him and this time they did not reject him.
They lived together for a year, his brother, his cousin and his father rejected the relationship, Sien served as model and Vincent provided him with sustenance, but suddenly he became ill and the painter ended up in the hospital, where the doctors told him that "someone" she had infected him with syphilis and gonorrhea, without work, sick and without money, Sien went back to prostitution, at that point his brother demanded that he leave forever the relationship or they would not give him more money so he left her and for a time he wandered painting by cities of the northeast of Holland.
He settled again with his father but now in Nuenen, there he made several paintings that showed the way in which Van Gogh identified with its protagonists, as "The Weaver on the Loom", where the clarity of the background stands out in a magnificent the main drawing.
In 1884 he fell in love again, the chosen was Margot Begemann, a neighbor 10 years older than him and whose family was against the relationship, Vincent could not get very depressed because of that break that year his father died suddenly.
In 1885 he decided to make a radical change in his style and began to paint one of his masterpieces "The Potato Eaters" an honest picture, for which he even hired models (before he usually drew plants, landscapes or a single character). He was proud of his work but nobody wanted to buy it. His loving brother, as always, helped him print 20 lithographs that were sold at much more accessible prices (8 of those 20 copies have been found today).
After that failure, he moved to Ámberes.
But syphilis made him lose almost all his teeth, the medical treatment saved his life but left him (even more) ruined, so he moved to Paris where he got to live with his brother Theo, who receives him happily and they both settle in Montmartre.
There he met great artists, such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Cézanne, Gauguin, he was still a mediocre painter who did not buy a single painting but his technique improved when he met those painters, he shared a table at the Gerboir café with Sisley, Monet, with Russell who even painted Van Gogh majestically.
Lautrec also portrayed him because this group of Impressionist painters did not have money for the models so they posed for each other, but the Impressionists worked taking advantage of the sunlight, when they hid they were going to drink some coffee, something that Vincent criticized, told them they were lazy and that they should work as hard as he was.

Of course the others got fed up with him.
Rejected by almost all was devoted to copying Japanese prints where he learned something very important, the Japanese valued each brushstroke as the whole work itself, each stroke should be perfect.
Vincent became obsessed with knowing Japan but money was a problem.
Lautrec told him that the sunlight in the city of Arles was very similar to the one seen in the far east, without hesitation he packed suitcases and left for Arles where his light impregnated Van Gogh's new paintings. In Arles he settled in a small yellow house, he was so happy that he worked day and night, sometimes he forgot to eat, his health was falling little by little, his brother worried about him offered the painter Gauguin that in exchange for an allowance He went to Arles with Vincent.
The good guy Theo not only loved his brother so much to keep him and his dream, also kept his friends so that Vincent was not alone and sad.
In Arles Vincent he separated from impressionism and used colors to express himself with even more identity, Vincent was so happy for the arrival of Gauguin that he decorated a room in the small yellow house with pictures of sunflowers that Van Gogh had painted.
But the peace was short, one afternoon Gauguin painted him painting some sunflowers and Van Gogh observes the portrait and tells him that he recognizes himself but that is not his face, that is the face of a madman and he was not like that. After that discussion followed more and more fights, it did not help that Gauguin knowing that Vincent felt alone, threatened him constantly and tortured him by telling him that he was going to return to Paris.
And here comes the big lie in Van Gogh's life, is it true that he cut off an ear and sent it to his girlfriend?
Well, I tell you that is false, what actually happened was that after a fight with Gauguin, both drunken painters end up almost to the blows and Gauguin decides to leave now the house, Vincent chases him with a knife but does not hurt him, He tries to return to the house but drunk he starts to wander the streets and gets into a brothel.
Drunk he cuts (only) the lobe of the ear, wraps it and gives it to a prostitute, after doing it he goes home and when he wakes up he is arrested and the police sends him to the hospital, there he suffered attacks madness and was on the verge of death, but managed to recover. When he left he was never the same again, he heard voices and felt that someone wanted to poison him, he had attacks of madness and he ended up again in the hospital, but the doctor let him go out to paint in the afternoons because he knew that the yellow house gave him life and made him happy.
But when he arrived he discovered that the neighbors fed up with him and his madness destroyed his habit and with it the only hint of happiness that existed in his life in Arles.
Disconsolate and feeling rejected again, he settled with the help of his brother in the sanatorium of Saint - Remy.
There he contemplated the night and found some peace, he had been furious with his brother because he got married, and he thought that he would withdraw his help, but instead his brother who loved him so much, put "Vincent" to his first son, He also had good news, after 700 paintings painted and 0 sold his brother Theo, he had finally managed to sell a Van Gogh: "The Red Vineyard" was the first picture of the very few who managed to sell in life.
On a night of peace, one of the few nights of happiness he had, he went out with his drawings and captured the starry night that covered his solitude with his heavenly cloak.
That day Van Gogh, art and night were one and that union left us a great masterpiece:
After leaving that place he moved with his brother's help to Auvers-Sur-Oise in France.
But he was depressed, he felt lonely, he considered himself a failure, he felt that nobody loved him, his brother (because of his new family) and he did not look so much anymore, every day he suffered more and more.
His landlords worried about Vincent's behavior contacted his brother and asked him to go by train immediately.
When Theo arrived he knew that Vincent had not been out of his room for two days, something was strange, he slowly opened the door and saw that his brother was in bed quietly smoking, sat next to him and began to remember anecdotes of childhood, laughed All night, Vincent was happy with his brother, hugged him and said, "I feel at home, take me home"... "The sadness will last forever" and closed his eyes Theo looked at the palm of his hand and saw blood, turned his brother and noticed that he was drenched in blood.
Vincent had tried to commit suicide two days before, had shot himself in the chest and bled slowly, resisted death and waited for Theo to die in his arms. He died with a smile, accompanied by someone who loved him, in fact he died in his brother's arms, receiving more love in those last minutes of life than in his 37 years.
Theo's wife, Johanna, set out to travel around Europe and look for all the paintings that nobody valued, some were in the garbage, others in the street, Vincent's own mother threw dozens of works of her son.
But Johanna noticed something that nobody had done, Van Gogh had gone ahead of his time, he only had to put together the works of his brother-in-law and one day the world would value them.
A few years later he discovered that he was right, even Van Gogh's own mother managed to see that her dead son became a successful and valued painter whose works they all wanted.
But what about Theo, where was Johanna, his wife, collecting Vincent's work?

Theo loved his brother so much that 6 months later, knowing that he was alone in the afterlife, he became ill and followed him
The bodies of the 2 brothers rest together and their souls become companions.
Wherever Vincent is, he's with Theo and he'll never be alone again.
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Wow, I’m a fan of reading the life of iconic artist like Da Vinci and now I learned more about Picasso.
Thanks for sharing & keep it up Alberto!
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