Hello Steemians!
Today I thought I'd share with you a little bit of what I'm doing when I'm not on Steemit! The past couple weeks I've been doing an artistic exercise where I start a drawing directly with pen and/or ink. Now, I'm a Virgo and perfectionism is pretty much engrained in my DNA so this is admittedly a bit nerve-racking for me. It took me YEARS to start sharing any of my artwork on social media for fears of criticism and having others decide that I'm not good enough. However I am ready to start sharing with you on this wonderful platform, and I thought I'd show with you the final product of one of these exercises I did the other night (On a side note, I'm also nocturnal).
Materials Used:
- .005 Micron Pen
- Pigma Brush Pen
- Paper from my sketchbook (Strathmore)
A lot of the problems I have with doing this kind of exercise stem from a lack of self confidence.
Actual thoughts I had while drawing this:
-"I'm starting with ink, this is a bad idea.
-I'm going to mess up.
-I'm not going to be able to fix it!
-Crap! I'm gonna fail! I'm a failure!"
Having to accept mistakes and work with them without rage-quitting is something that I feel is very important for me to continue as an artist. Also, coming to the realization that even a "failed" artwork is still useful and helpful is another difficult thing to wrap my head around. "Practice makes perfect" as they say, so I'll keep trying to improve.
Thank all of you who took the time to read this and check out my doodles. I appreciate all of you! And take care, guys.