
in art •  7 years ago  (edited)


Improvisation... That could be the name of that thing...

I wanted to attempt a live draw session on dlive, but didn't succeed at setting it up for my weak network connection.
I'll probably try again after a bit of settings tuning :)

This sketch came out during tests.

Anyways, working again with my good old ArtRage made this an interesting exercice :)

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Rather like this work, it has a futuristic feel to it. Nicely done @berien

Thank you :)
It's still very rough, but I don't know if I go on this one as I have other more structured projects to work on, but was still fun to build this on the raw, starting from random strokes :)

Working on random strokes can free the mind and creativity

Yes indeed, and that's the only way I can start working...
Chaos invade the blank space, then a bit a control tries to keep it calm and direct its moves until some balance is acquired :)

I tend to control everything from start to finish, I overthink everything and my work then looks totally contrived, which is why I respect artists that can let go.

My respect goes for 'those of the other side" as my work often looks unfinnished and blurry due to lack of control :D
Maybe we all have the same goal : aiming at that line separating both sides (Chaos/Control) while starting from opposite sides :)

I suppose it's that feeling of never being satisfied with our work that pushes us to improve