Totem pole/Totempfahl

in art •  7 years ago 


Today I want to share this totem pole I've made two years ago at school. It's made of sidewalk chalk.
Do you also still have art projects from school or made some art out of an everyday object?

Heute möchte ich diesen Totempfahl, den ich vor zwei Jahren in der Schule gemacht habe, mit euch teilen.
Er ist aus Straßenmalkreide gemacht.
Habt ihr auch noch Kunstprojekte aus eurer Schulzeit Zuhause oder habt ihr schon mal Kunst aus einem Altagsgegenstand gemacht?

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It was beautiful It has any meaning? A few years ago a person gave me one that they told me brought luck in love

It has not any deep meaning for me.
It only shows a few animals I like with a heart on the back. But the heart was not planed.
It's a great memento for me.

I hope you've got this luck in love.