Get it started Pt.4 (or Zygons and Lyrans and Behrs, oh my!)

in art •  8 years ago  (edited)


Took a little longer than I was planning on to get in here tonight, but that's what happens with Meatspace from time to time.  :)

Post 4 already, and this one is about the monsters I've done up from Doctor Who.  Pertwee's time on the show gave us a lot of neat monsters, and the next guy continued the trend.

Tom Baker's Doctor, the Fourth, was the longest running version of the Doctor and the one known to almost everyone who has ever seen a random episode of Classic Who.

So let's start with one of his first.. the Zygon.

We'll see these guys later on as well with Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi as well,   But here's my take on them, I think he looks a bit friendly..

And before we get too far away from Pertwee, let's not forget these guys, the Silurians:

And one people are likely familiar with, the Sotarans:

Oh!  Had forgotten these guys until now, let me throw in a few here..

Three Cybermen for you, early, later, and the ones seen after 2010.  And another one recently seen (well, in Matt Smith's time) are the Ice Warriors, mine looks quite duckey really:

Quite a ways from this Zarbi:

from Hartnell's time.

A really neat guy from around this time, later revisited were the Autons:

Have a Rory one as well, because he was plastic for a while..

Speaking of Rory.. here's a shot of him in one of his semi-regular states..

(hint: it doesn't last).

And also, a Sherlock/Who crossover with Watson, Sherlock, the Doctor, and Rory:

(edit: have to do this as a link, for some reason it won't import)

And to wrap, let's throw in some more monsters:

Ood little guy, don't honk them off..

Now you've done it.. let's get away from him quickly..


Vashta Nerada:

The Silence:

The Weeping Angels:

and The Empty Child:

Have a few more, but this is a good place to close for the night.

Next time, some of my own personal favourites, the ones I enjoyed doing the most to create and look at.

Right Jack?  


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That's really neat! I actually prefer the Sontarans from the old Who. I assume you're a fan of Steve Moffat. :)

You'd be half correct.. I love both for different reasons. I'm the guy with the bowl of popcorn rooting for Godzilla (or the guy in the rubber suit stomping through the model representing Tokyo) because of how campy it is, but I also love the new stuff because of how well they've been able to translate things to modern times and keep the monsters believable. But don't follow Moffat blindly as I didn't follow Davies or John Nathan-Turner either. :)

Now if only I could get my SHerlock/Who pic to post.. I'll have to just throw in a link I guess. :p

Forgot the most important part here.. thank you for coming and looking at my art! :D