Real artists shut up.

in art •  9 years ago 

Art is a solitary endeavour and needs to be so you can focus deeply into the recesses of your mind and see what hidden secrets lie there. Sometimes when you have spent days in those hidden caves the sun blinds you when you re-emerge in the world of living again. And like the light blinding you momentarily your speech becomes impaired and you stutter and stammer and suddenly can't remember your best friend's name or where you were to meet him. It takes awhile to adjust to the sun and sometimes putting on sun glasses eases the transition. It is similar to awaking from a very deep sleep only to realize you are not in the same world, the world you just came from. Only after coffee and some conversing with your self you orient to where you are. The art you do is from a different world, space in time, yet at an art show opening people want quick answers to their questions, mainly consisting of, why did you paint that; and where did your idea come from; and what are you trying to say by it. People often don't want to take the time to LOOK and discover these answers for themselves. They want a quick fix. Well if I were to do that even if I could properly answer those questions, why would I bother to paint and express myself visually, I might as well have written a book...but it is rude to say that to people at a show. Visual artists who talk a mile a minute are scammers, not artists and plenty of them abound, and most often they are the ones shown, having hustled their way into gallery graces. Real artists shut up.

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If you have to speak for your art. Your art have no saying at all.

Is this your point my friend?