How shall I name her? Win 2 SBD!

in art •  6 years ago 

Hello my friends and fellow Steemians

yesterday evening I just couldn't stop myself from drawing and painting until 2 a.m.!
I just let my hands flow, no final concept in my mind. Only music to inspire me and some pencils, markers, paint and

That's how I like making art the most.

This is the final result - a psychedelic Mushroom Lady walking through a magical forest in a starry night! Do you like her?


How she came to life

I started by drawing her and the tree with a pencil and then took a marker to make the outlines more expressive and beautiful

Then I painted the tree and the Mushroom Lady and cut both out. Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of the step when I coloured the girl. I dripped several colours on her body and blew them until a psychedelic and colourful pattern was created. As I cut her out anyways it wasn't bad that the colour went over the lines.

For the background I took a tiny sponge, dipped it into blue, magenta and purple colour and created a universe looking like scenery.

Here you can see the finished elements before I put them together. I took some double-sided pretty thick tape to create kind of a 3D effect. I also added some stars with a white marker

Her head in detail

Her body in detail

And the "3D effect"


Once again: The final result!

Do you want to help me find a beautiful name for her? All nice and creative suggestions will be added to a draw pot and the winner will get 2 SBD! Just write your idea (1 per person) into the comments! End is after payout of this post. Good luck! 😊

Much love and stay creative!

Yours Linda

Thank you very much for reading and your support! I appreciate your comments, upvotes and resteems very much lovely people! 💖

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Since last night I started to follow you and I kept thinking about a name for your beautiful work of art. She really is beautiful and seems to have a lot of wisdom, her look is captivating. That's why I called her Sofia. Not Sophia, I prefer in Spanish Sofia. Sofia is a Greek origin name that means Wisdom or knowledge. Checking on the internet I found:

Sofia is very affectionate with her loved ones but also with strangers. He offers everything he has to the neediest, his friend and his family. She reflects a lot of her actions and is a great thinker.


Hey my dear @paolapaopoly! :)
Wow, thank you so much for everyt sweet word! :) <3
So nice to read to have you as a follower <3
Your compliments make me very grateful and I am so happy you like my picture :)
Thank you so much for your beautiful name suggestion and the explaination! What an amazing name and idea! :)

So wonderful you associate wisdom with her <3

Big hug lovely friend <3

The Great and mysterious "Ultraviolet fungi Princess" 😊

Fantastic! How beautiful, I love the colours. I like the name "Magenta, the mystifying"

My dear @what-is-life <3
Thank you so much for your sweet feedback <3
I appreciate that so much!!
And I am so happy you like my picture! :)

Thank you soo much for your beautiful name suggestion <3

Wie wäre es mit "Lilith and the forbidden fruit"?
Das ist ein schönes Kunstwerk :)
Das erinnert mich an die Pilze von damals :)

Das sind Bilder, die mir damals oft vorschwebten. Och, jetzt lege ich mal erst Musik auf und gehe auf eine Bilderreise :)

Dir noch einen schönen Tag

Wow, sehr geil, danke für den Vorschlag!! :)
Vielen, vielen Dank für das Lob und super schöne und ermutigende Kommentar! :)
Ich hab mich wirklich sehr darüber gefreut :)
Wie toll, dass es dich an die Pilze von damals erinnert, das ist echt schön zu lesen :D <3

Oh wooow, Musik auflegen und auf eine Bilderreise gehen klingt fantastisch! Welche Musik legst du auf, wenn ich fragen darf? :)

Danke vielmals, ich wünsche dir auch einen sehr schönen Tag und nur das Beste :)

Kein Ding :)

Die Musik ist unterschiedlich; alles von Jimi Hendrix, zu Return to Forever, oder gewisse Jazzstile, oder einfach nur Musik, wo man spürt, daß die Künstler nicht nach Schema F komponieren, sondern aus ihrer Intuition heraus. Wenn die Musik Bilder im Kopf erzeugt, dann ist sie für mich gut. Ist natürlich subjektiv, aber das ist ja das schöne an der Kunst; für jeden gibt es etwas :)

Was für ein schöner Kommentar und toller Musikgeschmack! :)
Sehr sympathisch! :)

Musik, die Bilder im Kopf erzeugt, einen auf eine Reise mitnimmt und Gänsehaut beschert, ist wirklich etwas unglaublich Wertvolles und Magisches :)
Und es ist echt toll, dass jeder eine Art finden kann, die ihn verzaubert! :)

Wie schön, dass du so ein Träumer bist! :)

The night-mushroom cap!

Nice work, I'm adding you to the @ARTzONE voting list.

Thank you so much!! I feel very honored and appreciate it very much! :)

Hi endorphoenix Wow my dear friend your such a multi talented lady.

Oh wow, thank you from all my heart my dear friend @lorner <3
What a lovely comment <3
I am so happy to read that! :)

How are you doing my amazing friend? :)

Hi my friend I'm fine @endorphoenix.Thanks for the response thanks also for the sweetest word in me. God bless you and to your family also.

My dear friend @lorner <3
Thank you so much for your lovely words and blessings <3
You are such a kind and good person! :)
God bless you and your wonderful family, too! <3
I wish you the very best and send you a very big hug <3

Hi I'm a little bit discourage now i cannot download pictures anymore at my phone on steemit. Huhuhu what shall i do.

Oh noooo my dear friend @lorner! I am so sorry to read that! Unfortunately I don't know what to do in such a situation, I am so sorry my dear!
Maybe you can write a post and ask the steemit community. They are very kind and like to help each other :)

A big hug, and I hope it works again! :) <3

I absolutely understand that this discouraged you! :(

I hope you can use steemit properly again, soon! <3

A very big hug and all the best to you! May God bless you and your wonderful family <3

She is very beautiful for the size of a painting,
I am amazed at you for painting it by spending a lot of time ..
I suggest that you name to her Isabella, .. haha

I am glad you like my painting :) Thank you!! :)

Elf and the sacred pine

Landy Wonder would be a mysterious name ;)

Very beautiful artwork, looks like you really got into the flow. I particularly like the 3d effect you achieved. Hm... the name.. can't think of anything decent at the moment. She radiates so many different things at the same time... I think I'd name her "Morea" (purple in Basque)

Thank you from all my heart! Getting such a wonderful comment by such an amazing artist honors me very much! I really appreciate your words and I am so grateful for your praise! :)
Wow, thank you for your beautiful name suggestion and explaination! :)

Your comment made me smile! Thank you very much again! :)

I like to call her Celestia.

The Hip Goddess ;)

First thought: Alice in universe. Ich mag den 3d Effekt sehr! Was für Musik hast du denn gehört? :)

Vielen, vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar! Ich freue mich sehr darüber <3
Ich habe diese Psytrance Playlist gehört und die zwei Songs von Sofi Tukker liefen auch hoch und runter :D <3

Was hörst du gerne für Musik? :)

Haha, nicht schlecht! Erinnert mich so ein wenig an meine alten EBM-Tage... inzwischen höre ich hauptsächlich metallisches/folkiges. LG

Ach wie geil ist das denn?! :D
Ich hab früher auch EBM/Industrial gehört und Metal und Folk begleiten mich seit ich ein Kind bin und haben schon immer einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen <3

Wie gut, dass es dir ähnlich geht :)

Liebe Grüße :) :)

Clara's name . girl Wearing a hat. pretty girl who has a slim body curves

The mushroom beauty

I really like how you did her body. 😀
I think I would call her, MICHELLE the MYSTICAL QUEEN 😍

Aaaaaw thank you so much for your lovely comment and your resteem!!! I appreciate that SO much!!! :) :) <3

You're welcome! And thank you for this wonderful creation! 😊

Mama Mushroom vielleicht :D

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the winner of the contest is: @sunra with the name "Lilith and the forbidden fruit"! Congratulation! :)

Thank you very, very much to all of you who suggested a beautiful name for her and participated! :)

Much love to all of you creative and lovely people :-*

Yaay! Cool!! :D
Das freut mich! Das ist mein erster Preis hier auf Steemit!
Vielen Dank dafür.
Dann freut es mich, daß dein Bild einen passenden Namen gekriegt hat :)

Poste mehr deiner Bilder. Auch ohne Gewinnspiel.

Noch einen schönen Abend und danke nochmal. Das hat mich sehr gefreut :)