Here is a look back at one of my favorite projects from the past year.
A customer requested some custom handles for the bar he was setting up in his basement. We worked together to design a family crest logo to put on each one. Then I formed the handles on the pottery wheel. The hardest part was trimming a hole just the right size for the bolt at the bottom.
I made 8 handles to start. Two of them cracked in the bisque fire. He picked 5 out of the 6 that were left so he could use 3 at a time and have a couple backups.
He wanted a variety of glazes and I applied the logo with ceramic decals.
I used JB Weld epoxy to attach the bolts to the handles.
Overall, this was one of the most challenging but enjoyable projects I've done. I enjoyed the research, collaboration with the customer, and the problem solving. I haven't made any handles since these but they turned out so well that I hope to make more in the future.