RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

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The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  6 years ago 

Ghost Ship

It is interesting to leave your cousin who has mysteriously died a strange legacy to you. When you receive your new job as a sailor on a ship talking about the legendary stealth ship The Flying Dutchman, he was the naval officer John Ord Maud in October 1915 at the Naval Institute John Ord Maud shared a strange story buried in old letters with his friends and Maud said he received a packet of messages.

Only a few days after he was shipped to the sea as a naval officer, the letters were found in a box dug from the sea by a ship sunk by a relative of Maude, probably the reason why one thought it might be important for the letter that the letters were very old, from early 1840 until the war American eligibility in the 1860s, when one of the men died that the age and age of old letters made them interesting, full of details about life for a long time.

But the contents of two or three of the oldest letters contain a story that Maude felt the need to share with his fellow Navy. Maud did not publish his story about the story until many years after reading the first message and there is a reason for that first that the story was a few characters.

The original name of its owner was "Maude's cousin" and was the same as the letters that did not reveal the name and was embedded in the navy, stationed on the African coast at the time the letter was written. The ship was described as a warship on its way home from the south When the crew saw a strange ship loaded with slaves soon after seeing this ship for the first time, they completely lost sight and saw nothing from the ship or the sea, but heard a sudden and angry cry from the area where the ship had disappeared.

And wondered if the ship had sunk or exploded. The strange ship was moving forward with a full siren against the wind and was not affected by anything that no one noticed except Maude's cousin, if true or not, because the vision was very short but wisdom always says " "Two days later, the ship was in the middle of a thunderstorm when a huge glider appeared from the darkness. Then the Lieutenant's ship had no lights on board. There was no sound from the alien ship as it sailed forward. Against the wind came a lightning bolt.

The strange man is disappearing quickly under the mantle of the night. The captain of the ship came and stood near the lieutenant when the mysterious ship passed. He said in a strange voice: "Their ship is doomed to failure and death because they saw the Flying Dutchman." The captain said to the lieutenant with a deep voice: Mythically linked to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, believed to be sailing to the end of the world, is said to be seen only in storms and may be the ones who bring storms and believes that those who see the ghost ship are doomed to death and failure.

The captain was very pessimistic and frustrated that their journey was simply doomed to failure by the sailors who saw the strange ship. One week later, the unknown ship appeared on the horizon again, sailing in a gentle breeze, as if nothing mattered or mattered to life. At the same time, just as it had happened before, it seemed that a sudden and terrifying storm came from nowhere and the storm did not touch the lunar ship. The lieutenant saw that half of the front windows looked like he had been shot, and he could almost see the cabin, but then the ship completely disappeared. M ship agree that the bad omen and jinx haunt their journey.

According to the lieutenant, the ship owner said that his great uncle was part of an English squadron in the last century who had been set up for the Cape of Good Hope with each ship loaded with one silver cannon because he believed that silver shot could touch and hurt even the ghosts; That the squadron actually encountered the Flying Dutchman in his mission.

The squad called Splice launched its silver shells on the imaginary ship, but despite the speed of the crew firing they managed to smash a part of the back of the Flying Dutchman ... which disappeared again and then the actual madness began. The captain ordered the ship to hang three sailors and hang them from their necks on the front of the ship The captain justified the killing of the sailors because they rebelled and began to drown on the ship, the long-haunted bad luck after only the captain's mind and Maude's cousin recorded everything in the form of letters placed by his box and then sank ship in a strong storm and no one knows how and years after the sunken ship Wa Fund messages Vorslohm to Maud everyone knows how their boat sank.

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Hi @hifa

Thanks for your thoughts and a great story