"House of Cards", REVOLUTION Manifesto Done! Cry Of The Mad Artist.

in art •  5 years ago  (edited)

I think this is one of the most powerful paintings I've ever done. It's not my largest one (by far) and it's not the most technically well done one either. But the message speaks for itself.

! revolution detail 4.jpg

Some people might think that I'm mad at our slave masters. The Illuminati. The Grey eminence in the background of politicians that pledges no allegiance to any flag or law. The Deep State. Call these sick turds whatever you want. The point is, actually I'm not. They mastered the trade of control, power and brainwashing and as a master of my craft myself, I even have a pinch of respect for them being so good at what they do. Proof is all around. Billions of sheep complying to their agenda. Billions of sheep thinking that we "can't solve humanity's problems" while in fact the only problem in the entire universe only exists in the dreamscape of our minds. And that is exactly the territory they learned to control.

I am mad, yes. But I am mad at my fellow co-habitants of Earth who comply with the system and stubbornly refuse to take any time to educate themselves, and just keep on greasing the wheels of the system, or worse- become a "fierce promoter" of it (hello global warming mongrels, the pro-vaccines crowd, the pro-wars patriots etc etc etc list is endless), cause these people fuck up my planet. My beloved Gaia, to whom and HER ALONE I swore my allegiance. Slave masters can only destroy us and this planet because most of humanity gives them the right to do so. By their laziness, by their compliance, by their indifference.... These people are killing my beloved Gaia, and I have to be witness of it. This is what I'm mad at.

Now, don't take me too seriously, because I can see at the bottom of my anger too. I am not that ignorant of spiritual laws of this Holographic Divine Universe. I know that even my anger, however righteous it might seem, adds to the fire of destruction. Although there is a righteous anger that can be channeled for good cause, without ego attachment, and Buddhist texts mention is as the Anger of The Buddha. It's is a fine line to walk though.

This being said, don't think that you're off the hook. Especially is you live in a situation that does not push you into an immediate survival mode (in such case it's very hard to think in philanthropic ways, as Maslow and his pyramid of needs demonstrates). If your life is comfortable and you think that it's just fine to keep on being distracted from your life's true purpose (=discover who you REALLY are) and it's just ok to keep on watching the baseball or some horrid Hollywood propaganda instead of dedicating at least some time to connect with nature, yourself, clean your body and mind, then you're dead wrong my fellow human.

Anyways!!!! Nuf's nuf! I poured my grieving heart out, now it's time to drop the art bomb!


! revolution logo.jpg

This is the "release text" that I published it with today on my social media:

R <3 E <3 V <3 O <3 L <3 U <3 T <3 I <3 O <3 N !

Have you ever considered why the self-elected twisted humanoids in power are so stubbornly after your children? Why they continuously lower the mandatory "education" age (worldwide), increase the number of mandatory vaccines and are ready to take them away from you if you just dare to commit the crime of letting them play alone without supervision (like my generation did)?

You think they actually care about well-being of our children? They kill them with drones in "their wars", so it's time to re-think that theory maybe. It is really quite simple to see why once the matrix fog lifts a bit from your vision. They are after our children because if they don't scoop them up from family nest and break their spirit ASAP and brainwash them with lies at schools, these children will absolutely NOT COMPLY with this absolutely RIDICULOUS and TRAGICAL system we have in place. They will keep their Divine gifts and see through their lies in a heartbeat! This whole system is a house of cards that is still standing due to one single thing: OUR BELIEFS. The moment we stop giving attention to their game, stop complying to their ridiculous evil bullshit, it will collapse in a moment. Our children, if kept away from the evils of STATE, will make this system collapse with one loving push. All that will be left will be a fart in the air that will soon blow away.

So this is my suggestion to you: stop giving their game attention. Stop reposting their Fear Fake News, going to their stupid elections, believing in their fake scientists and fake wars and patriotism bullshit (we are 1 for God's sake!!), and most of all: protect your children like the biggest treasure in Universe. Because indeed they are. Revolution will not happen in the streets. It will happen when we finally stop sustaining the evil machine in place by our attention and beliefs that this is "just the way it is and we have to get by". FUCKEM! We are infinitely powerful cosmic beings co-creating reality on Earth! Ignore them, let them collapse, let it burn. If we stay strong in Love Consciousness, what will come next is Paradise on Earth. And this can literally happen overnight. I may be a dreamer but I am not the only one! ✊ Peace 🙏🙏🙏

Now you can enjoy the detail pictures with more understanding of what I meant by them:

! revolution detail 1.jpg

It's all about our children!

! revolution detail 2.jpg

Mr.V is invoking the revolution!

! revolution detail 3.jpg

Thank you so much for reading my today's post and for your continuous support

I like to believe that my art has a message that deserves to be heard and stop the automated way of our zombie living in its tracks and make us come back to our hearts, which are connected to our Mother Earth

Much Love to All!

Free Gaia!

follow @jankasparec

hanes eye pyramid 1.jpg

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I love your passion and your heart. I love that you are putting your anger into creating something and saying something. One of my little boys almost died in my arms with us covered in his blood because of a vaccine reaction (his body got so confused by the vaccinations that it started attacking it's own platelets - even the doctors admitted that it absolutely was a vaccine reaction.) That's a long story for another time, but I love that you are saying "wake up" to the controlling spirits out there and especially the attack on children. So good to see someone else saying "enough is enough!"

OMG Kara you almost made me cry.....thank you so much for opening your heart to me and sharing this story. So much love your way! Thank you!

Happy to see it done :) it’s really a powerful and awesome painting! And what you said is so true! Love it!

Thanks love @gladysmak ! <3

That is an awesome painting. Well done brother.

Thank you bruder @lichtblick ! Surprise for you coming soon! <3

I absolutely love this one Jan! The house of cards is the icing on the cake for me.

Thanks bro @hilarski ! I know that you as a conscious father you understand this message entirely!