The 2020 Healing Wishes, and the GOOD-BYE LOVE LETTER to 2019

in art •  5 years ago 

With a bit of delay I am wishing the Happiest 2020 for ALL! It will be great! 💚👊Time to go deep within so we can burn out the old pain and vibrate higher. 🔥 Paradise on Earth is entirely possible, it begins with our inner work 🙏

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💚 The 2019 Good-bye Love Letter. 💚


To every challenge I encounter...

I thank you. I recognize the opportunity for growth and I willingly take it, knowing that all obstacles on my path are divinely placed. May TRUST be the the only weapon I carry and LOVE be the magic shoes I wear to keep me going no matter what.

To all the people who thought or spoke ill of me

...I honor you. I have most likely done the same and I forgive both of us from my heart. I saw the part of you that resonated with the part of me that needs the loving awareness so it can be seen, accepted and transmuted from pain to freedom, because the pain is based on false belief and I don't need to drag this heavy bag of illusions around anymore. I let you go without grudge or remorse but with Grace and Gratitude.

To all the people who we loved and who left us (and vice versa)

... in physical form or in ending of a relationship, I wish you nothing but love, and I thank you infinitely for all you have given me, wherever you are, be blessed. May the past turn into wisdom, may only good memories be remembered and cherished, and may we all find the true Purpose of our lives with people who hold our hand and share the same vision. And if our destiny has not yet been fulfilled, may the doors open and welcome us back in reunion, in Divine Timing.

To the ego, to what is not true in us

... I bow to you. Without you, I would not know where to begin on my journey to Light, and frankly, it would be a boring ride. Sitting at the bottom of your lows made me crave the nectar of Truth I saw high above so much! You are the constant itch, a thorn in my side, background noise I didn't know could be switched off, until your constant racket made it unbearable and pointed me to the dimension deep within, where Peace and Joy reigns, unperturbed by desires, the endless success rat race, fear of death and any other dis-ease. And that was priceless! Thank you, you will be there with me in 2020, but I won't take you too seriously anymore.

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To all the pain

...physical and emotional, I bless you. I understand that I wasn't the greatest listener of the Universe as it talked to me and guided me in every moment, in every encounter, in every decision making. I know that there is nothing but Loving Intention and Greater Purpose behind everything that happens to me, and pain (or a gentle smack from Divine Mother) was the only option to make my deaf senses hear again. I nurse it gently now, I slow down, I contemplate and as I heal, I attune my God-given Intuition and my inner Radar to your messages. May we all have the Courage to act on it, even when our minds scream the opposite. Deep down, we all already know.

To the Year Ahead of us! To Great 2020!

May we be the Shamans who will transform all that shows up into the fuel of our Ascending, come what may, with unshakable Trust in the inherent Goodness of it all. May we Love fiercely and without fear and expectations, even when Love is not returned. May we laugh, dance and sing if not every day, then at least every week! May we bask in our inner happiness and pass it onto everything and everyone we meet! May we be courageous, authentic and always speak our truth, while knowing when silence is a more compassionate choice. May we feel the inexhaustible abundance of the Source within us and thus bring the abundance to our lives and our beautiful planet Gaia.

May all the beings on Earth be Happy, Live in Peace, Abundance and Happiness, and may the living Kindness manifest.
Thank you for every step on the path, thank you for each breath.

I love you
I forgive you
Please forgive me, I'm sorry
I thank you.


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Beautiful and ethereal painting

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Thank you so much @momzillanc! Appreciated <3

Really amazing !

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