Been 17 days since my last post on steemit. Writer's block..? No. Thats not the case. Just a combo of pure idleness and the allure crypto trade, which unlike steemin' I am losing money doing it.
And I can't help noticing that my follower grow somewhere around 30% during my idleness. (30% is big number, but don't be fooled. I actually just got 40 something more follower)
So. To put an end to my humble idleness, here I present you an unfinish "artwork". A StarWars popular quote.
As for why this awesome "artwork" labelled unfinish, I lose it. I lose it while Im doing the finishing, I was summoned to battle my fierce chess rival at the other room, which I won, two matches straight. When Im done with him. The artwork was gone. I suspect one particular stromtrooper took it.