in art •  7 years ago 

A Biro sketch.
life j.jpg

Injuries heal, but wrinkles are the scars of time.With regard to things such as independence, mental capabilities, and sexuality, a very old man is nothing but a gigantic infant with white hair and wrinkles.
One of the many problems with aging is that you begin to think of yourself as a slob because your birthday suit can never be cleaned or pressed no matter how spotted or wrinkled it gets.
All age is a kind of tiredness, I think. When you’re young, the lines never show. Every morning you wake unmarked, wiped clear by sleep. One day, though, you see lines that itch, as though some crumb of existence has been creased into your skin. They can never be smoothed away, and after a while you forget that this heavy, irritable feeling wasn’t always there.
We envy people who are extremely old because we wish to live that long, not because we want to be that old.
You cannot really stop aging. You can only delay or hide some of its effects.

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did you draw this?


its good

The wrinkles said it all on the pictures.


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