There is no romantic story behind this one.
It came as a reminiscence on my nicest youth days that were covered with bombs for three months in Spring of 1999.
Long story, politics and all the horror we experienced once is something that crawls into our mind each Spring.
I was 25 years old, going into my art school and having well, great times. What else you can have when you are student and having 25?
I won't tell you about those three horrible months.
I have my art to tell you about it.
As the skies were covered with bombs and earth with flames our souls were covered also with fear and after a while we become numb. At least I became.
This combination of drawing and watercolor is my entrance for @tobetada contest Love The Clouds.
Unfortunately there aren't any photos of process since I made this one several months ago and haven't made them at the time.
Also I am having some trouble UPLOADING photos here and I am copying photos from my FB account.
If somebody has any idea what's the problem?
And yes, I do love the clouds just these on my painting aren't represent of happiness :)
Thank you all and stay safe!