"Spirit of the Age of Deep AI and Cryptocurrency" Mixed Materials. 2017.

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)


This picture is meant to be testament to a new age. Some thing's I'm excited about:

  1. Trustless Blockchain networks and decentralized technology have made it possible to exchange value without the need for a third party. This is liberation from banking and credit institutions. It is now possible to act as your own bank.

  2. The internet-of-things is going to be a thing soon and that's super groovy. No more subdomaining! You'll be able to tell machine A, "Here. I'm Machine B. I'd like to connect and share resources with you!" directly.

  3. Deep-learning is going to change how we deal with data and information. You won't have to think anymore, "If only I had some expertise in this field (...)" You'll be able to make a call to a deep-learning algorithm that will do that for you. This won't replace expertise but will make things like science, music, and art more accessible to the layman.

  4. Decentralization is probably going to democratize the internet. It seems to only be a matter of time. Once people realize that their information is valuable they'll move to platforms that allow them to have control over their data naturally. I think this will bring an end to the, "Centralize-Advertise-Datatise" model that's currently being employed. I think SteemIt is an important step in this process as it gives people a simple avenue for doing this.

  5. Raspberry Pis and 3D Printers have made it possible to build and prototype your own real objects! This is rad in a practical sense (no more trips to the hardware store!) but it also allows people the ability to prototype objects that they'd like to bring to market. This democratizes invention and industry!

The future is bright. I haven't been able to say that faithfully for a long time but I'm re-invigorated. Here's to 2020: Year of the Linux Desktop! (;3)

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Amen! Haribol! < 3