
in art •  7 years ago 

Hello friends! Many of you have seen the work of John Snow. And here's Deeneris. Mother of dragons, so next to her I was not too lazy and painted a dragon. The work was done with simple pencils on A4 sheet, as I said, I do not use expensive materials, but I try to use those that can always be found in our city.

I hope you like this drawing. Support!

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Amazing draw! good job :)

That has come out really nice. Keep up the good work.

thanks you)


thanks you)

soo succesful ! if i can draw like you, prefer to draw my own dreams,shapes etc. ;)

thanks you)

Bonjour, quelle magnifique oeuvre d'art que vous présentez !
Vous avez un vrai talent !
C'est vous qui l'avez fait ou vous nous faites découvrir de nouvelles arts.
Dans les deux cas vous nous faites découvrir de nouvelles horizon ;)
C'est dommage que vous n'êtes pas assez populaire car vous le méritez beaucoup.
Sa à dû vous prendre beaucoup temps à la réalisé ?
Ravie de vous connaître, j'espère qu'on pourra se revoir :)
Bonne journée et joyeux Noël mon ami ;)

Merci beaucoup :) Et vous bonnes vacances!

You have a good eye for detail Dara, is this charcoal or a regular pencil?
I am also really curious how did you make the fire breath of the dragon white? did you just shaded around it, wow...

usual pencil, thank you)

This is incredible, love it!


very popular painting, I really like your post, please visit my blog @ miss.dara

thanks you)

Miss.dara, you are an amazing artist & you seem so young! Your drawings will be hung in art galleries someday without a doubt & I'll be there to purchase them! God has truly blessed you with this incredible gift, so please, don't let it go to waste! Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!

thank you very much) you too with the holidays)

오~~그림 정말 잘 그리시네요.

WOW! It's so beautiful!

thanks )

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amazing art! Where did you learn to draw like this? In previous lifes? How many lifes of learning? I would like to start to learn in this life now. But if it takes too many lifes, i don't know...

As a child I still painted, but you can go to the courses, maybe you will learn) thanks)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice. Talent from previous lifes, no? Maybe you dont know, ok. Very nice art.

Those are pretty good drawings!

Also, I noticed on the first one, your face isn't too dissimilar to Khaleesi's! If you dyed your hair the same color, you could pull it off!

thanks you very much)

You have a new FAN!

thank you very much)

I thought I was looking at a photo.

haha) thanks you)

It's really good. I really enjoyed the progress shots. I especially like the specific details you put on the face. Light pencil stroke on the hair looks fabulous.

I myself am an artist and as you are an art enthusiast, I would kindly like you to refer to some of my posts below



thank you very much)

Talented !

Wild'n'Free Diary wishes you all Merry Christmas and peaceful holidays.

thanks you))

Its so amazing <3
You have pure skills i really appreciate your work :)

thank you very much)

You drawing a movie character that I love dragon mom in the games of thrones.


Welcome, please visit my post if u want

Merry Christmas.............. Merry Christmas............Merry Christmas.......

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brilliant drawing!! looks just like her. nice dragon too.

Woouw ! Very very nice a drawing !

thanks you very much)