Persian Dad

in art •  6 years ago 

Another Digital Art Piece

This piece is of my husband kissing our teenage son goodbye at the train station. LOL – And, we all know how much teenaged American boys appreciate public displays of affection from their fathers! 😜

PersianDad Pencil4Way.jpeg

The images that follow are the stages in reverse of the process I used to achieve the above finished piece.

PersianDad Pencil.jpeg

Persian Dad.jpeg

PersianDad Original.jpeg

The artwork represented here was created 01 September 2018, by D. Denise Dianaty, from an original photo taken by D. Denise Dianaty.

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It must have been your proud goodbye moment. Isn't it?

It certainly has always warmed my heart how much my husband loves our son. Now that our son is an easily embarrassed adolescent, there’s an element of gentle humor to it. :D

I feel the same as your son haha.

The final result is amazing. Lovely edit.
As for your son...typical teenager. Mine is only six and he is already pushing me away when I want to hug him. 🙂

Oh no!

Thank you so much. I’m sure there’s a little pang every time your sone does that.

I knew that day would come when my son wouldn’t want mom to hug him in public and tell him I loved him. That’s why I taught him from infancy to touch the tip of our index fingers together (Vulcan style) and say “I love you” in Farsi (“Dooce set dahrahm”). He only stopped saying “dooce set dahram” back last year, but he doesn’t cringe when I say it to him; and, he still does the finger touch without sarcasm or ranker.

How cute. Me and my son we have the Eskimo kiss: touching our noses. We still do that, not so often as before though.
Time flies so quick. All we can do is enjoying the present and treasuring little moments. 🙂

I loved the Eskimo kiss. I used to do the same with my son too. He flatly refused to do it by the time he was in first grade. The finger touch hasn’t bothered him yet, and he just started high school.

You must find something else until he gets to college. If they only knew how much we love them. 🙂

For now, he’s still cool with the finger touch. And, after my recent medical crisis – at home at least – he’s taken to spontaneously doling out hugs again. He calls them “therapeutic hugs.” 🙂

Sorry to hear about the medical issues. I hope everything is fine.
And since he had adopted the "theraputic hugs", it means he reall cares about his mother. He must be a great guy. 🙂

He’s definitely a great guy. Y’know, one of my proudest moments was, when he was in the fifth grade, one of his teachers, in the end-of-year parent teacher meeting, made a point of telling me “He’s a such wonderful person.” And, the three teachers there chimed in with examples.

Now, I’m just bragging with this next revelation… He began a locally prestigious magnate high school last week where he was also accepted in their nationally prestigious Health Sciences Academy with ties to Duke Med and Wake Med in NC. The academy is kind of like pre pre-med school. Most of his freshman classes are AP classes. He can even earn college credits toward pre-med. And, when he graduates, he’ll already be qualified to start working as an EMT Assistant – which gives him a field related job to work at while in medical school.

Of course, having his son on a path to become a doctor is another very Persian dad thing! :D

kiss is better

by sustained

Nice. Thanks.

Always welcome. And thank you, too.

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Ha, ha, ha, it's true, our children feel embarrassed by the displays of affection in public. We also did the same. Then we miss the show of affection.

For girls and woman of all ages in America, the PDAs are pretty much always okay. But, for boys and men in America, PDAs from another man, are more often than not, found to be embarrassing.