in art •  7 years ago 

This pic got me. Instead of trashing up the left over boards why don't just gave it a life and create a master piece.
I want to share these photo's to encourage all skaters out there to be creative at the same time not just banging tricks. This art hit me and inspire me at the same time. I got a lots of leftovet boards here and im having an idea please follow and support this article, by the way ill be showing you my next art by these idea at my second blog.
Please watch out and upvote my post always!
Again thank you in advance!



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Skateboarding is one of the most popular and iconic street sports.

skateboarding is fun.

Creative and unique..good job bro

thank you.

nice idea, recycling of used skateboard into art from jason21 of kryptonia

Great aryicle thanks for sharing

Very creative @nastylenard420.

as always thank you @floridagypsy

great post, kryptonia id @jamescrusader

Very creative, I started following u @nastylenard420, would appreciate if u follow back.


I will look out for your creative use of broken boards.

I'm coming to you from @kryptonia with the same user name.

Ohh great idea to stack it like that! Inpressive..upvoted and commented by rubelynmacion of krypto