It Seems to be Quiet Around Here So I'll Just Write Up a Quick Post With a Long Headline Just Because I Can

in art •  7 years ago 

Does it really matter what I write here? Nobody follows me because of this line.

It's what's inside that counts.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Just Because I Can.jpeg
Just Because I Can

Should I Talk About the Art?

I made it. It's done.

That image stands out in the post feed, doesn't it?

I remember long ago I was accused of using flashy images as click bait. That character, whoever it was, thought I was downloading this stuff. They scolded me for not providing sources. Still makes me chuckle when I think about it.

I'm just a dude. I like to produce things some consider to be art. They look like that because I like making them like that. Nothing more.

What else can I say?

I just wanted to share that one. I'm bored. It does seem quiet around this little social network thing of ours. I'm not sure I like quiet.

Maybe I should pay one of those robots to talk to me...

No thanks.

I guess that was my big joke for this post.

Again, I just wanted to share the art. That's all I felt like doing this evening. Normally I'm swamped, tonight was quiet.

I do hope people will see it.

If you came to visit, thank you.


Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Can't always be 'on'."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Does it really matter what I write here? Nobody follows me because of this line.
It's what's inside that counts.

Wow! Your writing is getting really good. I just wish you knew how to choose better images for your posts.

If you google "kitten photos" you should be able to find lots of great images that will add untold value to your posts and more people will surely want to follow you!

Kitten photos, eh?

Funny thing is, every now and again, I do add a random cat to some of my art. I hide it though. Well, that's not entirely true. The cat just thinks we can't see it. It's best to just go along with it.

Wow! Your writing is getting really good.

I appreciate that sarcasm there buddy. LOL!

I thought you'd understand!

He even tries to hide the cat at the top of his turd, lol. :-)


Don't forget to add unknown and unpopular tags like 'awwwkittensaresocutee' with two e's.

It's far too quiet around the community these days. The sound of crickets chirping around my neck of the woods is putting me to sleep. I think a lot of people are hibernating as crypto prices have gotten so low. I see the art on the right side that is orangish and could been seen as a male genitalia shape to those of us with dirty minds also looks like a duck bill with a green duck face attached. Across from that is a duck face made with someone's hands like when they do shadow puppets.

It's been hard on everyone seeing these values drop. I try not to think about it much. I came here to write a bit and show off some art. I didn't know much about crypto until after a few months of being here. So I guess I'm still just doing my thing, making people see dicks and ducks.... and of course smiling ear to ear.

Hey, I haven't been around for a couple of days, sorry I've been contributing to the quiet. Been taking a break of my own. I should probably follow someone's vote while I'm gone. Coming back to 100% feels like such a waste... but then again, my once-mighty $0.30 vote has diminished to only about $0.17... so it probably doesn't matter too much, lol :)

Blah! I think because we're all crypto nerds, everyone gets depressed at the same time when things look bleak. Or maybe I'm projecting.

I love the art today; feels "flashier" than usual. I like the lighter colours and defined borders. Looks a bit like stained glass. I like stained glass :)

A lot of people do seem down and out. The way I see it, that vote of yours will still be worth 30 cents, just not today. My vote was worth $8 for a long time. It's still worth that and more if they hold on. This is how so many of us made money here. Just go with the flow and wait. Try to have fun in the mean time.

You're the second one to point out the glass effect. It's all in the shading.

Try to have fun in the mean time.

Oh, I am. You're helping-- thanks for that :)

I see dicks and vaginas! <- that's all I wanted to say, but just in case I get flagged maybe I should add some arty speak like... erm... bye!

Flagged for mature themes, a sense of humor, and nice hair!
Favorite Flag2 - Copy.jpeg

Hahahahaha best flag everrrrrrrrr!

It is human nature sometimes to do nothing but to utter or type useless things and when i do such things other ask me; hey what are you doing and why ?

I replied:

My Life, My Rules :D :D :D :D :p

Only you remind sometimes through your writing that i should behave in that odd way to make others astonished :P :D

What is odd for some is quite normal for me. I guess that somehow makes me odd in an incredibly normal way.

Hey no matter what people say and do or not, I liked the image here (contrast, Color and composition) ... it is vibrant and leaves the viewer to conjure their own psychological links as opposed to a Kitty Face. But what the hell do I know I like surrealism and impressionism.

I enjoy the things people say and do. Some people screw up(I've done it before) and some people don't. Somehow I managed to avoid screwing up on this day. I don't know how or why but it's a welcome change. Maybe that damn kitty was a curse.

Thanks for stopping in and enjoying the show.

Does it really matter what I write here? Nobody follows me because of this line.
Not true. It's the hidden gems on your post that I look for.
Well, ok, I like the art too.

I didn't hide my gems very well today. Except maybe that number 23. I don't think anyone noticed that. Or maybe it's not there and I'm just trying to confuse people. Who knows!

You play your audience well.
I'm off on a #23 quest now.
...michael jordan...jim carrey...23-13 things i hate about you...finally I found it, but you can't see it.

Hmmm... melting red cliffs, the Roadrunner's secret portal into toonville, or dripping globs of paint falling off the screen onto my keyboard. You gonna clean that up? lol

Nope. If you wipe it, it just paints a new picture.

"Roadrunner's secret portal into toonville" You have quite the imagination.

The shorter the sweeter. Can you make a blog post with 1 word?









Green monster peeking over red rock. I like this one. I think it's because of the cheerful green colour that yells SPRINGGGGG!

After doing so much dark, creepy looking stuff, I thought it might be a good time to brighten things up a bit. Then things got a bit too bright, so I added some black, chopped it up a bit and BLAMMO... paint guts everywhere.

Oh yeah, I hate when that happens, paint guts, but so much easier to wipe up when it's digital art!

Does it really matter what I write here? Nobody follows me because of this line.

Woah! Exquisite opening! I don't even know what that word means! Followed!

The art looks like a watermelon that tried to fit into a wormhole.
All squishy squashy.

Also, it's not gonna be silent for long, as I, YesAye of the 4th, am here to reclaim my position on Steemit by pledging to post at least 1 article, everyday!

One post... per day?!?!

That's insane!

Which is why I do it. I did two today though, because I was so damn bored.


1 freaking post


This is the best way to cure boredom; by earning 'em $$$z.
If you're lucky (or if I'm lucky), you'll see 2 posts from me today!

I like the bright.

Those of us who were here in a 20c Steem days are not put off by a small drop in price. My posts, comments or lack thereof are always related to what's going on with me, and never with what's going on with the Steem price.

I just do this because I like doing it. That's all it boils down to these days. Trying my damnedest to avoid the distractions around here... sometimes failing, but I think it's because I care. I want to see the place thrive but I can't do much to change things. All this stuff going on still isn't enough to push me away. Rest is good though. I think I might actually put this down and sleep for a change! Imagine that! Me! The guy who stays awake for three days straight at least once per week might actually sleep! So exciting! I think I'm losing my mind! I'll be okay though! Nice to see you again!

Sleeeeeepppp..... Sleeeeeeppp... It's okkkkkk.... You can, you knooooow...... Sleee.... zzz

The only bot you support is BOTanical ey?



Man, your stuff is trippy AF!

Just a couple of trippers :D

PF 14.jpg

I don't know why, but it seems dirty 😬
Man, I have a dirty mind

It's as dirty as it is clean. It's whatever you want. Doesn't matter to me!

Definitely, you can do anything, the art looks like an illustration of the wind

"An illustration of the wind." That was an intensely awesome description of what you see.

I have always enjoyed your art my friend and often wondered how the hell you do it! Beautiful colors and intriguing mind behind the writing. Thanks again.

You're welcome, again. How I do it... I don't know, I'm just painting and sculpting the colors so they look cool. Once it looks cool, I put it here. Done.

Click baited in on flashy image. Trap by comments of people talking about cats. I’m a cat. I’m here. No need to google cats we are here on this platform.

I agree it is getting rather silent here. Perfect time to reap the rewards. It’s getting warming outside and people want fresh air.

I’ve been rather busy as well. I left most communities I was in. Trying out new things and putting a lot time into other things for future things. In other words a thing about the thing about the thing.

Anyways I have to go replace the pixie-wrangler for the spinermabob again on the time machine. When are you humans going get your acts together and sell it online! I have to fly right up to the sun and let it bake for 18 hours to fix it.

Hello, talking cat.

I left most communities I was in.

Does this mean you're a stray?

Ya know... I checked out a few of your gaming posts. They're quite enjoyable. I've become so bored of watching people play games live and ramble about, well, not much. A few screenshots and words is a welcome change in my opinion. Much easier to curate as well. I can't wait hours just to vote... other people need the attention as well.

Good luck with the time machine.

Ya, I been trying find a happy medium. Using the one platform has brought in a little extra upvotes from time to time. I still want provide screenshots and something more then just me doing a 4 to 6 hour live stream lol.

Most are not into that. I get that. So I try and provide more than just that going into it. I'm still working out a balance in formats. One I can sometimes be a bit lazy; however, just writing it out for a game I have a consider amount of time invest in and knowledge gained is not taking as much time as I thought to write about either.

I've been debating if I want move up to 2 blogs a day. One that is pure written content and another that is rather short in words and just the live stream. Will be interesting to see where things go in the long run.

Sorry you are getting bored man! I hope you find something to help get you past the dry spell of no fun. Have a great day!

You have a great talent of using humour in almost everything. Can I ask how do you create this stuff ?
I have always admired your art, it's kind of different.

It's just digital art. I select what size I want to work with. It starts out as white, blank. I used the air brush tool to spray different colors onto the virtual canvas. I can adjust how much pressure this virtual spray paint can puts out. I use different shades of the same color to make parts look darker or brighter. I can use straight black to darken areas. I dunno. It's just painting. I can put color down and pull it around, sculpt a bit, then shade some more. Takes time, I pay attention to small details, touch things up, then I'm done.

Is it something like graffiti. Anyways it's beautiful. I love it.

I like this one. It looks like someone giving birth. I get the feeling you have a very different perception/intention.

I don't like saying much when I make something like this. I let everyone else see what they want to see. It's more fun that way.

But your art makes you who you are. Funny and sarcastic all rolled in one.
Indeed it is quiet around here. Even my goofy comments have died off a bit. So, carry on with that can of paint and slap it on the screen. :-)

It was quiet. Now, suddenly, it's loud! LOL... and I'm confused. I have no idea what I did right.

Lol isn't that the normal thing now? I think everyone , well almost everyone, just gets a good laugh out of your posts. If we are gloomy, or feel like we are just off kilter, reading your sarcastically funny posts gives the perfect distraction :-p At least to me anyway :-)

Seems like it gets a bit quieter here when values are down. Remember how busy this place was when Steem was over $5!?

This is a perfect time to get some attention and earn something that will be worth that and more someday. I was doing this for 10 cent STEEM. I'm sure the people who ditched out then are regretting it.

I'm curious what's inside. I hope it's something good.
It should be really good since you like to draw cats.

I don't think I've ever drawn a cat. I did cut one out of one of my old photos though. Those photoshop people have it so easy....

Looks strange and amazing.... Don't know what to say.. I Know Nothing About the thing....but nice work..

Thank you much! Strange and amazing. Nothing wrong with that.

Just because i can.. Lovely bit of driving force for yourself.

I'm glad you picked up on that. Secret motivational hidden message thing.

I don't understand why someone else couldn't pick it.... It was the main crux..

That looks sick is it on glass ?

It's digital. Those shiny spots are an optical illusion of sorts. It's just brighter colors sprayed over darker colors.

Never seen something like that I'm a retard or you are just spectacular

Maybe both! LOL I joke, I joke!

Really amazing art.It looks so nice.

I didn't find anything fascinating in this art but what can i say, art is like this only, everyone can interpret it by his own imagination...

People who don't appreciate art say these things, either they were jealous of use or they didn't had proper knowledge about art

Art explains what words can't and i beleive art can change society faster than politics 😄

I Like This Post. That's Very Amazing!

wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote....///

there is a famous quote:
The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?
pablo picasso

It is really quiet around here, some say it has to do with the drop in crypto.

That does stand out in the feed, your work usually stands out in the feed... click baiter. lol, I remember that, what a ruhtard. Is that who moh was based on? haha!

Well, this place is quiet indeed. Smells like desperation and depression and burned SBD with some hope added to the mix for some reason...

By the way, now that I think about it, actually clickbait is not a bad subject for an artsy post. I can totally see you making a piece with that title!

I like it, I am actually getting quite the visual of a person sitting either rummaging in their junk or going for a gun. My poor head.

It is quiet. The rip the pish when the money is good folk are either hibernating till there is an upturn or not coming on a lot less for the same reason.

Thats funny, the bit about the dude and the sourcing your images. I have had people say that I should expressly state some of my stuff is fiction. Lol, I usually tell them to fuck off and interpret.

Quite is nice until you get bored but when things get messed up you wish you can go back to quite, so being bored is not so bad XD. It's what's inside that counts, I like that, it means a lot!

I came to visit.
I have been too quiet lately and around here things have been quiet.
To be honest hardcore things are happening in my life, so hardcore that I can't even share it on steemit.
However, I am gonna go back to some wild or less wild post, let's see if I can shake you up.