Today: Wicked Warren Revealed and Reveled

in art •  7 years ago 

Sat on a road near my humble abode.  Saw a toad and it slowed to upload some thoughts in it's code I can only read once I enter beast mode.

He cried and then tried to guide but he swallowed his pride in the form of a bug who just happened to glide directly inside his mouth to hide; I let that slide.

Lightning is enlightening my mind full of lightness and kind thoughts of illuminating brightness.

The thunders roll my life goal through my soul and into the hole in one.

I find peace sitting beneath this release in the sky and I don't ask why.

Energy coursing through natures vein to kill pain and make my brain go from hurricane to the remains of what's sane; the beast is tame.

Wind howling, pinned, scowling, skinned, growling; been prowling in the darkness of night.

What I can't see, I feel.  What I can't hear, I see.  What I can't feel is terrified of this place and my heart does not race so I'll show you my face.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Wicked Warren.jpeg
Wicked Warren

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
I hope you enjoyed the show. Have a nice day.

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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These eyes, for some strange reason, seem to be "breathing" I can see them moving up and down...

Yeah, I see it as well. They pulsate. If I would have went with a solid black circle, I wouldn't get that effect. It's just the shading, spacing, surrounding color, those tiny rings, the little white dots, and a bit of magic all working together.

I saw the image on my phone earlier and I am looking at it again on my computer now... the eyes are still "alive". That was a great combination!

And the green woman figure reminds me of Cersei Lannister, "Maleficent" Angelina Jolie and some "Lion King" altogether.
The beard adds to the "Lion King" notions (reminds me of some scenes from Scar's song with the hyenas)...

I thought about adding more detail to that area you're seeing as the Lion KIng (I had a feeling that would come up) and company but decided I better not because it might steal the show away from the head as a whole and the eyes. The part in front of the mind should make people think.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Nasty Cold.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Belinda.jpeg

Noticing a trend? LOL!

Ooooh, right! That moth-ghost-queen figure is there and the posture of "grandeur" as well...

Awesome!!! The poem and the Art.

Can I have your talent when I grow up?

I might include you in my will. "The kids get the money, @sivehead gets the talent." Then they hand you my brain floating in liquid inside jar and say, "Have fun!"

Wicked! 👍 I'll get a surgeon on retainer.

I always love how you often have an image within an image. I think I could spend hours trying make things not there be there. Is that bats under the eyes. Black hole in the eyes. A king holding a baby above the rocks (nose) like lion king. Those could be sea gals above the eyes. So much intense beauty.

Thanks for taking the time to look closely. Some folks glance and only see the cover. I'm always going for something that allows the mind to play tricks on people. Even most of the simpler works I've produced have hidden forms. Sometimes I hide a face inside a blur, other times I'll hide a blur inside a face. Good times!

I love Wicked Warren with the human eyes, and if your writing had been in a comment, the haiku bot would be going nuts right now.

HA! Someone noticed the haiku! Hooray!

But the lightning line is my favourite.

Woah, is that the Statue of Liberty holding a baby up there?

I love when you just let your mind go off wandering through rhymes.

The Lion King, a chess piece, Statue of Liberty; apparently it's a lot of things. Most didn't notice how the babies feet are inside the eyes of yet another being. At least, I don't think they did. They might have. Who knows.

Yeah, those words. Just having fun. Still won't dare to call it poetry.

Warren is ugly as fuck. He will haunt my sleep tonight.

Good! LOL!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's so deep that I'll have to reread it a few times!

Cool. Very cool post...

Namaste, Jaichai


Awesome username.

Thanks @jaichai. I was scrolling through the 'new' feed there and your post gave me a bit of a chuckle. I guess you noticed. Welcome to the chaos that is all things @NoNamesLeftToUse.

Nice reminds me of myself.

Particularly when I am thinking deeply .......or taking a dump. I think I look my best in both those moments.

A lot of people feel that way, I think? I see a lot of selfies being taken in the bathroom.

There is nothing better than a deep thinking session

His nose looks kind of looks like a chess piece. I like this one.

He's not human, so his nose is actually more like a nose/beak hybrid thing. And yeah, you're correct. I love chess. It's a great game.

Those eyes are trippy and I don't want to stare into them. His beard looks a bit like an ox skull, and then the queen-lady holding up her baby at the top. Life and death. Interesting.

Wicked Warren. What can I say? I think I'll just do something normal-ish next. Probably not though.

We would all take your normal as something with deep meaning and turn it into something freakish. You can just continue as usual and save us all the extra brain power.

That actually sounds like fun since I'm normally messing with people anyway.

I was shocked the combination between reading and the image left me mouth open you are an artist

The first time is always a rush.

You might want to get that nose checked out. If it is green, it usually means you have a virus.

With nostrils that big, those little bugs could build condos and golf courses and shit.

Green queen, baby prince; will he have his father's eyes?

Those grow in later; always a surprise.

The thunders roll my life goal through my soul and into the hole in one. Beautiful fucking line mate!!! Have I ever told you how much I love your improv? ;0)

You're one of the few who can detect the improvised stuff. That's all this was. Simple words popping up in my mind. I like that line too. It would be fun to do any entire short story like this, but my brain doesn't always cooperate.

I think that now you are rapping haha! You are full of rhythm these days :)!

Some days my brain lets me do fun stuff like that. I can never force it but when it comes, it's such a blast. I probably could have wrote that down, then added and turned into something more, but I like it just the way it is.

Well you should do what you feel right, its always the best thing to do! I will ask something irrelevant now if I may, don't say a date but is your birthday on july?

Yes. It is.

I don't know if it was earlier this month or not but I wish you with all my heart happiness and all the best!!!

There's still a few days to go and knowing me, I'll keep it to myself. Thanks though. I'll save that comment for the big day.

I totally understand, I would do the same! Yes please do that save that comment for that day!

I love your poetic word play in the image can hunt the soul

Great eyes! Big nose... He looks pretty self-confident to be honest

Indeed, a quiet confidence. He'll tell you everything you need to know with a simple stare.

Good art


you looks sad in this art why?

Maybe having a rough day? I'm not sure. I don't see sadness.

Hello dear
I like ur art it has a good and more than more confidence ...its really for upvote yes i upvoted man and also followed to see ur another art may be u will be also follow me and give me upvote if would u like my blog i am nee comer man.

You're a content thief. Get lost.

Thank u dear ...i upvited this comment inspire good job dear...i ll think about just..for that i wann support from ur side anyway as u like but good comment man.

I like your art!

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