My word of the day- serenity!

in art •  9 years ago 

Are you feeling calm? Good, then we will begin.

Yesterday, @stichin-sista suggested the word serenity for my word of the day. I think I need a lot of serenity in my life, some more days than others. Yesterday I needed some serenity but I was run off my feet working, Madame Autumn took up most of my day and then I had our Birmingham Meet Up poster to draw. So today I have re-balanced my energy. I've sat in the garden in the sunshine, breathed deeply and drawn today's word.

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If you have ideas for my next word of the day feel free to write them in the comments section!

Follow me @opheliafu

And don't forget to say hello to Madame Autumn!

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My mini-poem to complement your art.

Lost my job, lost my home
My wife left me, now I'm alone
I don't mind, now I'm free
I have found my serenity

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Good one, I have to write it on my mirror :-)
How about 'coincidence' for your next one?

What a coincidence I was just thinking that ;D

😃 lol 🙃

Green colors is back! To make clearness everything

Ah your favourite!

Oh i could do with some serenity myself. My plan to recharge my batteries today has been put on hold but stepping in to the garden for a few hours might work just as well.

Yes, go listen to the birds for a bit!

Thank you for using my suggestion. I love the picture it is beautiful.

I'm glad you like it!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I really like this topic about "words", thanks :)

Super, if you come across a great idea for a word let me know! 😀

I could use a bit of serenity today!

I came across a fun word a bit ago, one I had never heard;

(gal-li-maw'-free) n. a hodgepodge, jumble; a mixture of diverse things [From French galimafrée "a stew, hash, ragout," from galer "to make merry" + mafrer "to eat heartily."]

Ooohhh definitely one to look into!

I thought you may like that one!

Beautiful colors and great word of the day

Fab! Thank you @alsprinting

Ahhhh...My beautiful colors from @opheliafu have arrived! Lol

I hope they brighten your day!

Hello Madame Autumn! You look lovely today.
I'm not feeling so serene's more like... anxiety? Kind of that feeling in the pit of my stomach that something's going to happen but I don't know whether it's good or bad. Oy!

I get that sometimes too. A bit of meditation is what you need.

I feel calmer just looking at it. Or is it because I have just escaped work. A good combo of the two perhaps!

I find beer makes you feel even calmer when looking at it ;D

Its funny you should say that as I am experimenting with that right now and whatd'ya know. Your right!

I'm a serenity guru ;D

Awesome work once again! I'm surprised no one has mentioned the movie Serenity based on the show Firefly. I never really got into it but there are a lot of fans of that show on here which I found out through one of my Sci Fi show posts.