Adam Sakowicz

in art •  7 years ago 

This one is also a little bit old but wanted to share it again.

One of my favourute characters from history of Rzeczpospolita in XVII century.

Here is some information from Polish wiki: Adam Maciej Sakowicz herbu Korwin (zm. 23 marca 1662) – wojewoda smoleński od 1 marca 1658, marszałek Trybunału Głównego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w 1634 roku[1], starosta oszmiański od 1649, podwojewodzi wileński 1633-1640, podkomorzy oszmiański od 1628, porucznik chorągwi husarskiej Wincentego Korwina Gosiewskiego.

I get aquainted with him thenks to the book written by Ukrainian writer Iryna Danewska. It isnt translated into English, but the title should sound like this:Bogusław Radziwił, the German Prince. It seems to me that Sakowicz was also mentioned in the Sienkiewicz works, but his name was changed. Am I right?

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@phototaker you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

!cheetah ban
Secondary account of art plagiarist and ID thief kral789. Permanent ban. No appeal.

Okay, I have banned @phototaker.