I am Up To My Neck In Projects!

in art •  6 years ago  (edited)

And WIPs

WIP=Work In Progress

800 Calories A Day

I get to eat unlimited amounts of green vegetables, small portions of fruit and lean meat.

I've already lost 10lbs this last month, five more to go. Right now I am craving pizza...hahaha!!! I gained 15lbs this winter because I drank too much coffee with cream and ate too many of my home-baked cookies during the holidays. I gain weight easily and have to maintain a low weight because my joints and back cannot carry anything higher than 145lbs without pain. I learned to manage the conditioned I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, keeping my weight below 145lbs keeps my joints and back healthy. I also walk 4 miles and day and practice yoga, a bendable body is a young body. Intermittent fasting, avoiding sugar, and taking my last meal and coffee before 5pm I avoid migraines. I have been migraine free for the last two months.

Next Months Writing Project

My husband and I have been researching long dead schools in Buddhism for years. One of the reasons why I wanted to marry my husband was because I coveted his library of books on philosophy and religion. We were best friends sharing our Buddhist info and debating long before I finally got the courage to ask him out on a date. Lucky for me he said yes, and we found out best friends also make the best life partners.

We are putting together a series of articles that go through the evolution of the Buddhist religion and the schools that evolved, become extinct, and survived. The research and notes have been finished, and we will be writing articles this week. My past Buddhist articles were written by me and edited by my husband. This series we are co-writing and editing along with some good debates about what should and shouldn't be added to each article. There is so much information, it's hard to figure out what to include without becoming too scholarly for people to enjoy.

Butterfly Gel-Pen Series

11 x 14 inches, black drawing paper, Gelly Roll gel-pens

I will be trying another technique using lines rather than cross-hatch and fill in the color. Hopefully, I can stick to my plan, I found that I tend to go back to the techniques I am most comfortable with. That is not what I am looking for when trying a new medium. I want to challenge myself to continue to grow my skill set. No challenge or good stress my mind will turn to mush, I can feel it happening when I get complacent. Same goes for the body, it needs good stress from exercise to remember to stay in shape!

A Country Cottage and Garden

22 x 30 inch cold press, 300lb cotton watercolor paper

This is a big watercolor piece that will take at least a month, 30 days, 4 hours a day to finish. I struggle with perceptive as you can see with the tile on the roof. Don't worry I will fix it before I start laying down the paint. I love painting gardens, and I suck at drawing houses. Since I enjoy painting nature, this will keep me working as I struggle trying to figure out how to get my roof tile to lay down correctly. I know how to do a perceptive drawing, but I have issues with my left and right, and I have no clue where north and south are, I get lost easily. My husband can find north without any problems, which is irritating to me, but it comes in handy for him, he works with digital maps.

I found several photographs online that I liked and combine the two to make one painting. I wanted to create a painting you see hanging in peoples living room. I found a style I like along with the colors from a site online that shares free computer desktop pictures. This is how I usually put a painting together, I have an idea about the technique and the subject I want to paint. I look for pictures that will help me flesh out my idea, and I combine the ideas and images into something that pleases my eyes. Hopefully, other people will like my idea too!

I won't include so many butterflies and flowers, too over the top cute for me, but I love the idea. I am going to paint my cat Cleo sitting on top of the frontyard fence.

I am aiming for this type of painting, I call this kind of art sickingly sweet...hahaha, I love the colors too.

  • Thistles And Butterflies
  • Thistles And Butterflies (WIP)
  • A Red Flower and Butterfly
  • Red Flower and Butterfly (WIP)
  • A Butterfly and Apple Blossoms
  • WIP And Gel-Pen Critique
  • Kelpie Ink Drawing

    • Since 1984 After intense research and development, Sakura was first to market with the invention of gel inks in 1984. Sakura has continued to master gel ink technology offering a variety of colors, opaqueness and special effects. Today, Sakura Gelly Roll® pens come in medium and fine point Classic gel ink, Metallic, sparkly Stardust®, dual color Silver Shadow® and Gold Shadow®, and bright and creamy Moonlight®.

      some_text A link to My Blog

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      Meditation, Art, Painting and Diet! All those things are a key for a healthy life! My dear friend you understood it very well!
      Personally I am not controlling my diet! But sometimes you can see, I am managing weight well! I think it didn't change since 2012)
      I am proud about you! Younger look, view about the world and etc, you got all thee abilities! It's a gift my dear friend! Moreover, you found a great teacher as well!
      I am not going to talk about artworks! Coz those are amazing! Yeah I mean it!


      They work for me @theguruasia. I feel if I hadn't radically changed how I react to life and simplify everything my chronic immune system would of put me in a wheelchair. Most people don't have to control their diet if they don't have health problems and eat healthy food. However, obesity is on the rise world wide! Only a few people have the genetics to eat what ever they want and stay thin...I envy you...heheh

      The end of next month I write an article and post some before and after photos...hehe,

      Two more years I am going to be 60 years old, I figure I have 40 more years to perfect my art...hahaha (something that helps me get up in the morning and look forward to the day.)

      You're near to get the goal, my mother had obesity 3 years ago and now she follow a strict dieat to mantain a healthy health so my friend try to eat less cookies or if you want you can send me some of them in that way you avoid the tentation hehehe. Regards

        ·  6 years ago (edited)

      If you didn't live so far away I would mail you a care package full of cookies my friend! I knew your Mom would get her health under control, I am glad she found a path to health through diet. It's hard not to eat the food I cook. So i told my family I am only baking on holidays...no baked cookies and bread ever week. I love to bake but I have very weak will-power so I keep my house free of cookies..my husband has lost weight too!

      Hi @reddust i know i'm in other continet no cookies for me hehehe, yes now i eat all i can because in some years i will have to eat just some foods. Regards

      :]. If you ever get the chance try making a cauliflower crust pizza. I posted a recipe back when. Great job on the nutrition.


      Oh my Goodness @weirdheadaches, I am literally drooling right now...i will check out your post. Tonight I eating some strip steak and broccoli, my husband gets a side of fried potatoes!.

      Yum yum! Food can be overrated :]. Ty, O ya oops, it was cauliflower tho tehe. Blessings to you @reddust

      You already know but I will say it anyway, you are quite talented and I am so glad I started following you recently. I am going to tell my husband about the pens you use.

      My husband went to the Zen center to meditate yesterday.

      We have a big Buddhist community here and I plan to attend another one soon. I am not any one religion; but feel I was Buddhist in another life or a least enjoy it.
      Life and peace, which includes meditation seem to be what I enjoy most.


      My first teacher is a Monk from the Korean Zen tradition. I love all the schools in Zen, they use the skillful means called upaya to it's fullest. Did you know Zen mean dhyana? Jhana is the same term as the Sanskrit dhyana, the Chinese word ch’an, and the Japanese zen.

      In the Mahayana traditions a good teacher the key to success! I hope you and your husband find a home in a nice sangha.

      That seems like a true partnership! You do not see these days people asking out on dates over books and religion. Anyways, looking forward to see the results of your projects. BTW I have a medical blog (@secondmedicalop). I invite you to take a look at it.

      There are people like me who are attracted to intellect over physical attributes, but my husband is very handsome too...hahaha

      I will check out your medical blog, you know I find all things about science fascinating <3

      I wish for you you must be fill up your gain about health, you have to concentrate your work, I am very glad to know your next project. I am always impress your Gel pen art, it's looking so amazing and interesting. Wish you all the best and take care of yourself.

      Gel-pens have been one of the best new tools I've used because they are easy and fun! I have family that needs me so I have to take care of myself @abontikazaman. Sadly modern medicine hasn't found a cause for Fibromyalgia and they have no medicine that helps without side effects that make me feel worse. So the only option I have is food, meditation, and exercise.

      a bendable body is a young body

      Hmmn words of wisdom

      Lucky for me he said yes, and we found out best friends also make the best life partners.

      Sorry i have to do this, awwwwwwwwwww, so sweet, match made from heaven

      I on the other hand can eat for 12hours straight and still not add more than 2kg, i dont know

      I love how detailed your art is, it makes all the sense, i also love the art, simple, not perfect but perfect, i dont know if you get me...

      Thanks for sharing this relaxing post, i loved it

      yeah, I am blessed to have a wonderful partner that is interested in Buddhism. My husband is Dutch so I had to learn about soccer, his second love...hahaha

      Thank you @mistakili

      I will make the roof perfect...hahaha

      happy to know that your are trying to loose your weight and you are on the right track, i am astonished with the butterfly work, gel pen make it alike 3D version. upcoming painting is seems more complex but i am pretty good sure you will be finished it in the mean time you have said. good luck for WIP and have great day on steemit.

      You know me @sheikh27, the more detail the happier I am, hopefully I will finish the drawing and start painting by this coming Wed...the butterfly paintings are like playing, they are fun and easy. Thank you for stopping by.

      your idea is very good, I prefer vegetables rather than meat, and eat any fruits after eating, for now my weight feels standard with 60 kg.
      I think it's still easy to move all day with all the work I do.

      does coffee have an effect on weight?
      I do not understand the content.
      thanks for this warning @reddust

      I have to have a little meat, I went vegan with proper supplements years ago and the fibromyalgia symptoms became worse. I lost too much muscle even though I work out and hurt my back...so I must eat a little red meat, plus fish, chicken, eggs, and pork. I need the red meat for iron because my body will not absorb plant based heme.

      Coffee can jack insulin the cause of weight gain, but cream in my coffee and cookies are the culprits for my weight gain not the coffee...lolol

      hahahaha ... oh cream and cookies that change your weight gain... ok.ok.ok

        ·  6 years ago (edited)

      This post had everything - personal life, health, religion, work and art. Loved it!
      Medical conditions are by no means a boon but sometimes they help us overcome our weaknesses. Got a stress fracture in my ankle that never properly healed (pains during winters and rain)and it make me regulate my walking and running activities (other wise I could run ten miles and then no activity at all for a month). I Hope yours become much easier to manage.
      Coming to art - I saw a couple of your works with butterflies and they were fantastic. Hoping to see more of the country cottage..............

      This is my life and I made it this way on purpose. Keeping it simple helps me stay sane...hahaha

      I notice all the obstacles in my life have been my teachers. I hate playing the victim, nothing good happens from that kind of behavior, I learned that the hard way. I realized if I accept I would be in pain and I also suffer from depression because of constant pain and work with that to find balance I would let go of a lot of stress. Accepting my condition and learning from it has improved my life 100% and I am no longer depressed...hehe

      Blasted houses and horizon lines...sigh lolol

      Really glad to hear that :-)
      My mom has several medical conditions and she is one tough cookie - Her kind of strong people are more prone to depression. Nobody notices it because they tend to power through everything and people get the impression - oh they are fine!

      But somehow she manages to stay on top of it. Mostly her faith and social participation in the community.

      I am glad you Mom is doing well, nothing hurts worse than one's family getting sick and you can do nothing about it. I've read the key to happiness is a strong sense of family and community. It gets you up in the morning!

      People don't know how much pain I am in because I would be complaining all the time. I found walking is the best happy pill I've found.

      Weakness causes problems such as easy injury to the skin, weakness and spillage in the hair, easy breakage in the nails, decay and spillage in the teeth. Because their immune systems are not very strong, they are more easily caught by infectious diseases and even simple diseases such as colds and colds are more severe in such people, and you are great artist. I liked you art @reddust

      If I keep a healthy diet and exercise I experience no weakness...but if I don't follow proper diet my hair will start falling out, my muscles and joints will hurt, my skin will blemish, I will get infections, feel cold all the time and have zero energy. I don't suffer from any of these....Thank you @turkishcrew <3

      Marriages like yours give me hope amidst so many horror stories being finished off with divorce.

      I look forward to more Buddhist articles.

      It is amazing what... ok, the opposite of amazing, what sugars do to our body systems. If the FDA was really doing their job, there would be warning labels on all of the sugars.

      And, OMG! that water color you are setting up. Did you really have to include a trellis fence? I know it is great texture and all, but the details... added to that you are going to use watercolors, that seep everywhere.

      ... i will just sit here and watch, at a good distance.

      I came from a dysfunctional family and I had two really bad relationships prior to meeting my husband. I've done a lot of therapy and those meditation retreats really introduced me to my trigger and habits. No more "bad boys" for me.

      We have been through a lot together and still like hanging out. I wake up every morning thinking I am the luckiest girl alive.

      Oh man, I could become all conspiratorial about sugar and fast foods, but when I look around at what is happening with this consumer society I think the planners of this matrix are just stupid and greedy, maybe inbred too! Sugar sells bad tasting dead food....sigh

      Hey you know I love detail and a challenge...we shall see if I can pull it off....I swear don't don't throw my paint when I am frustrated @builderofcastles..hehehe

      The butterfly painting is fantastic!
      I also want to see how the cottage painting will end up with a similar style as you showed at the end.
      Waiting, waiting, waiting! <3

      I know, I am having a hard time practicing patience with this cottage drawing, it's going to take me at least 30 days to finish! Thank you @sadpotato

      Seems your target is 16lbs? For the month? do you workout as well as diet too? that's amazing really I could say I can't match up the standards because i will be tempted to eat ice cream or something fatty really.

      Well everyone loves their partners for a reason I'm glad your husband is just what the doctor ordered hehe😀

      I only have 5 more pounds to lose and I will have lost 15lbs. My house is temptation free, no icecream. My husband is the best thing that happened to me <3

      I would ask you to teach me how you resist Ice cream really, 😀😀😀😀😀

      Don't keep ice-cream in your house, don't buy any when you go shopping. Eat some good food before you go shopping and it will be easier to say no....

      Stay away from fast food restaurants ...hahaha <3

      Knowing that I have learned a lot from this post which I have learned so much, my life has taken a lot of work in my life, even though your photos have been so beautiful that it proves that they are all practical in nature and we have to preserve these in many ways and with the help of various awards By applying the right use, we will have different improvements, so that we can improve RA can benefit physically and mentally thanks

      Thank you @hrishekeshroy, a healthy life creates a healthy mind and body.

      I really hope you continue to achieve the goal. In the food is the secret of a healthy life. But do not stop giving yourself a taste at certain times. ;)

      Yeah there is a saying, food is medicine, some ancient Greek said that....it's true @sony-albornoz

      How simple things convert into great can be easily understood through this painting. Like in life, we need to be patient and continue our hard work to obtain a positive and wonderful outcome.

      Patience is a virtue that needs to be worked at, much like gardening. Practice and patience are the key, thank you @sfpoulcolin.

      I prefer your work to the sickeningly sweet painting. It is much more authentic. The butterfly is very striking on the black background.

      I have wanted to do a series of sickly sweet paintings for a long time. I may continue on this path if this painting turns out! This stuff sells on the market!

      I could not praise your drawing. I am really surprised to see the hand drawing of your hands so beautiful...

      Thank you @don001

        ·  6 years ago (edited)

      I want to gain lbs .Can you give me tips how to gain? And you can do these painting :) These are my dream world

      I can't give dietary advice...lololol

      I miss a lot posts of you cause i'm so busy with a project on steemit which support Arabic language on steemit that's why , so I'm miss you so much dear @reddust I will visit your posts time by time ;)

      wow!!!!!! this is so creative art and the artist is so skilled

      Thank you @emilyben

      what a creativity in art!!!!!!!11 this art proves that you have great creativity in art

      Thank you @steemibu351

      It feels fulfilling seeing your face for the first time since I’ve been following your blog , as a great fan of your arts , I hope to get a painting from you someday.

      I get to eat unlimited amounts of green vegetables, small portions of fruit and lean meat.

      Being a vegan I read is good for the body and of course spiritual growth. I don’t know how true this is but I believe that’s the believe of the vegans .

      So sweet to find a partner who’d be a true spouse, a best friend, a second half in life . I wish you many more happy years together . Looking forward to the completion of the butterfly and the cottage and more on Buddhism . You’re much appreciated my friend

      Hi there, i saw these paintings and I wanted to ask if you could give me some tips to start drawing :)

      The only tip I can give is practice makes perfect @rabab. There are a bunch of yahoo how to draw videos that are excellent. I don't have the time to do a "How To" series right now.

      Okay, actually I'm watching those videos and I'm learning a bit :)

      Keep up your yoga and meditation as i think it's most effective than exercise to control your mind and body as well as your daily walking and foods maintaining help you to be a low weight body. Really your thougts about Buddhism impressible to me. I also appreciate your writing with your husband. Your photography and mind blowing painting also impressed me.🌹

      amazing. health is wealth and we all must take care of it. :)

      Thank you @atiqur

      Great and amazing works of art that we will be looking forward to seeing in its final form.
      My greetings to you deserve all the encouragement of these paintings . Thank's @reddust for sharing

      For a moment I thought, you would tell us the story of your first and only love, and as the dividing image passed, other winds blew. hahaha.

      Here in my country, there is no need to diet without controlling our calorie intake; the diet has made us lose weight systematically and compulsorily. Sugar is impossible to consume; meat is much less; and let's not talk about dairy products, which you can't find.

      In my student years, I excelled in architectural drawing; nothing to do with the artistic, landscape or caricaturist.

      I love the paintings of those who have the ability to capture nature and capture it on canvas; that is the voice of the artist - his painting.

      I'm happy to know that as a couple you're getting along just fine. Thousands of blessings to you.

      Due to sedentary lifestyle, we seem not to have enough time for our body. We only seem not notice the external part of our body, we do not really know what goes on in our internal organs. That's why constant check up in the hospital and exercise are necessary for a healthy and longer life term.
      Sorry pains you're experiencing now but constant exercise will certainly help you. Although you should start with smaller ones at first so as not stress yourself. Remember it would be painful at first.

      I am really amazed about how you found your husband, where am from females don't ask men out. Anyways I feel it's a nice thing if the tradition here is changed, because many of our ladies are living with feelings they're scared of letting the guy know. All because of what people would say and think of them. Thanks @reddust.

      Hello friend, That's fine, that despite being so busy with so many projects, you have time to exercise and stay healthy. If you do not have much time to go to the gym, I recommend that you visit Gym Virtual, it is a page for daily exercise. This has been very helpful for me. And it's good that you have that hobby that I really share with you. regards

      muy buen artista demasiado bellas las fotografias .un saludo desde venezuela , esperando contar con su apoyo

      My dear reddust, you really have many things to do. I think that the day does not give you so many things that you should do. The good thing is that you have the support of your husband and it is always a pleasure to see your wonderful creations. Happy day! I hope you have a wonderful week♥

      there are three points on your post ,,

      • weight problem, I can not say anything
      • budhis ,, I really like, and I am waiting for your next review my best friend
      • picture, this also likes, i will wait for your next painting,
        my weight is also growing, the clothes also began to shrink ha ha ha

      you have an extraordinary husband, you have the same skills, is your husband also good at painting like you?

      well you are too much talented
      apart from writing your painting skills are creative.You seem to be enjoying drawing the nature .
      bdw it is good to maintain your weight

        ·  6 years ago (edited)

      I always like your art ..... you have a great creativity... and I also appreciate you WIP.... keep it up... and the most important thing ... that ... you must take care of your health.....

      walking, running and exercising is always good, but sometimes we have to indulge in food

      It is wonderful to have a "dearly beloved" to work and share and grow with. I look forward to hearing more about the Buddhist schools and evolutions. You inspire me with your art. Many years ago I was an oil painter of great renown ( fans: my immediate family... especially the children under 8) so I'm thinking of getting into it once more. Blessings...we are past cookie season so you should be safe. But, oh how that summer time ice cream calls. You can hear it can't you?

      Delightful, thank you very much @reddust. Yaay for Cleo's inclusion, glad she's not OTT cute, although she is :D

      Some beautiful drawings you are making this is a delight to watch nice work : )