⭐️ Tarot Friday#9 – responsibility and the decision of the mind "VIII - Justice"

in art •  7 years ago 

Looks like number VII shot so far ahead, that I had to skip a week. Back on track now with our "journey of the fool". Last time, our young couple, equipped with a car ventured out into the big wide world. To make this a pleasant trip and not land in the ditch, they have to learn to drive responsibly... or else they get in trouble with the Sheriff 👮


This card "VIII - Justice" also represents the decision of the mind, in contrast to the "VI - The Lovers", which stands for the decision of the heart. In this picture, the subconscious (water) at the lower part of the image is filtered by thinking (the octagonal lens), to come to a rational decision of the mind, represented by the sword.


The element of Justice and taking responsibility for ones actions is shown through the figure and the scales. The figure is wearing a headpiece reminiscent of the feather of the ancient Egyptian goddess Maat, a symbol for truth.

To find out your Personal TAROT Card, just add day, month and year of your date of Birth:

dd + mm + jjjj = xxxx.

Now add the four digits of the resulting number:

x + x + x + x = nn

If the resulting number is greater than 22 please add n + n again.
Any result equal to or smaller than 22 is your personal number with 22 representing 0

If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @mystikmoongypsy and @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

Temple of the secrets, total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

"V - The High Priest"

"VI - The Lovers"

"VII - The Chariot"

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All photos/scans by #ReinhardSchmid of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?


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Beautiful series of cards. I am a 5 so will check out the Hight Priest also known as the Hierophant. I want to add that when you calculate your birthday you will come up with a number for the year that something significant happened in your life that had a large impact on your entire life. I find that bit of information very interesting too.

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I didn't know one could calculate that year with a big impact.. when I was seven, we moved to a part of southern Germany and this gave my then young life a whole new direction... interesting indeed!

Great series of Tarot-cards. Are they available to buy?

Thank you for your kind compliment. I never published the cards like a normal deck, to look at and possibly use. I have sold printed versions on glass of individual pieces, at sizes up to 50 x 100 cm. They are also available as greeting cards. The whole deck only exists as a limited edition reproduction (77), each card printed on acrylic glass to resemble the originals, in a handmade wooden case


Hey Reinhard I have featured this post in my weekly Ocean of Art curation here!
Thanks for making awesome art I love this series! <3

OMG! Thanks a lot for the feature and for liking my work like that. Very encouraging 😘

wow this one gave me a bit of a 'jolt' ...

he looks a shifty character!!!... and I still cant get over that room behind... fantastic display of work...!

After I couldn't add my reply in 5 attempts yesterday, I gave up... sorry to keep you waiting.
I tried to make the figure somewhat indifferent, both for the justice thing, as well as for the aspect of finding a clear and uninfluenced decision

When steemit was down I thought I would go crazy , until I realised it was the same for everybody!

More beautiful work. I've never put any faith in predicting the future with tarot or astrology (or i ching or weather reports) but I do love the symbolism and poetry of these old traditions.

Thanks a lot! The aspect of predicting the future was never that important to me, although I learned reading cards to a small degree, in order to understand the symbolism.. starting next week however, my images get further and further away from the traditional depictions, as I made my cards based more and more on intuition, the further I got into it all.

Sounds good to me! That's how these legends grow and develop, isn't it?

To me its good, when different aspects are added, and there are enough "scholars" to weed out the nonsense. Some "schools" are very traditional though and don't want anything new..

These are so fascinating to look at - so many interesting details.

Thank you. That's what is the most important to me with the Tarot cards... look at them and get inspired 😎

I've already missed those series, another masterpiece with so much well thought of detail.

The scales, they are so even and looks like no one is getting "in favor decission" It either speaks of indecisiveness or being very fair to all, i hope it is the latter :)

The sword - I am always fascinated by the element of violence in any judgement, it looks like if you take somebody or are taken to court, one of the guys will be severely punished. And this goes very interesting with even scales in this card. Like telling that no matter what everybody is going to get punished. Just like today's legal system works in a way lol Another great job that is joy to look at and analyse. Even though my interpretation may be wrong :)

Thanks a lot for this really meaningful comment! I left the scales even so at the beginning of every thought, they should be empty, so to speak.. the thought or process should begin without a prejudice or emotion in this case.

You are right, normally "Justice" is holding a sword, most likely to punish after the ruling. I separated the two, as here the sword is a symbol for a "sharp" mind.. 😎

Good thinking, as i was always confused with the concept of balanced/unbalanced scales Themis holds.
are you familiar with the term Mandela Effect? As i was positively sure and would bet my money on it that Themis is holding unbalanced scales.... Now i googled it and it is balanced...

Didn't know the Mandela Effect... interesting. Probably everyone has such false memories. When I check my bank account, it usually shows a much smaller amount than I remember 😱

Thank you for the support visterhook. I think you may find this interesting...


So very amazing! What a great job! Bravo!

Thank you so very much!

Oh, yes, you would have gone and discovered Justice needs to be depicted by Maat. Who else. Maat and I go way back... she is of course, nothing like the justice we relate to ever since the Romans. That's why she belongs in this card! And you would have gone and even discovered the octagon belongs here too! I am becoming indignant with the fact that all the genius talent seems to have been given to you! There seems to be no end to it. Let's look at those lovers now, then.... It might disappoint...

you said about the symbol of truth and I had a question ... truth- that is something between right and false? or truth this true? :)

I just wanted to say thank you for upvoting my vids.