Portrait of Nancy - Digital Art/ Charcoal Sketch

in art •  7 years ago 

Portrait of Nancy

Right click and select "Open Image In New Tab" to see a larger version of it.

I've been busy with various real life things so haven't been able to post as much as usual.

One of the things I have been busy with is trying to work on this portrait.

It's taken a lot longer than I expected. The final piece is probably composed of hundreds of layers because I still don't have the confidence to do too much on a single layer.

It's also not as large in terms of size as I would have liked. Unfortunately Corel Painter 18 is not as fast as Photoshop so for perfomance reasons it becomes necessary to restrict the size of the canvas (particularly if you are using lots of brushes and layers).

I also kept changing my mind about how much detail I wanted versus how much expression. To be honest I think I could probably keep tinkering with it, but it would never be finished.

I suppose you have to draw the line somewhere. Might be a while before I feel like painting/sketching another one as I am quite exhausted with this.

I still have a headache from staring at the screen.

I'm going to try getting this printed to see how it translates to physical form.

As always feel free to use it in your own posts if you can find a use for it.

Alternate Version

Nancy 1_023_FINAL_EL_BW_003_FINAL3_BlueGhost2.png

Right click and select "Open Image In New Tab" to see a larger version of it.

I couldn't help but try tinting the colours in Photoshop. I quite like the ghostly blue tones here. This was achieved using a gradient map layer. Let me know which version you prefer.

Brushes Used

I originally wanted to make the image using just the charcoal brushes in Corel Painter 18, but it didn't give me the look I wanted.

Eventually I added in 3 or 4 more brushes. Here is a quick list of what I used:

  • Vine Charcoal.
  • Detail Oils Brush.
  • Digital Airbrush.
  • Wet Sponge.

This is one of the big advantages of digital painting, you can mix together all sorts of media that could not normally be combined.

Photo Reference

Nancy_2013_portrait (1 of 1).jpg

This is a photo of model Nancy Morris from London in 2013 which I used to create this artwork. Hopefully I have done justice to the original.


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All uncredited images are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.

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Wow! you did a good job on this ;-)

The work you did has a very different feel to the photo.

In the photo it is just the model staring at the camera. it doesn't really convey much in the way of emotion.

But for both of your pieces there is a sense of hopelessness, despair, a tinge of fear perhaps.

Well done :-)

I knew you were talented, but not this talented :-)

Thank you so much. I'm so pleased that you liked it. I am honestly a bit scared to post things like this because I am always worried that people may not like it or it may not be good enough.

Don't be scared of what other people might or might not like.

If they don't like it, that's ok. I don't like Brussel sprouts. But that does not stop them from turning up on my plate on occasion. ;-)

If someone posts a comment that is not complimentary or supportive, then their opinion is valueless. They don't have to like it, but if their criticism comes in the form of an attack on you as a person or as an artist then their opinion is not worth the time taken to read it.

What is good enough?

Good enough for what?

Share your work because you want to share it. If you are entering into a competition, then there may be a concept of 'good enough' to win. but if you are saying, 'here is something I spent a bunch of time and effort on' then there is no 'good enough'.

There is just the art that you created.

We could get into the whole discussion on what the purpose of art is, but I'm supposed to be working (although I don't really feel like it right now) so that will have to wait for another day.

I'll keep an eye out for more works of art from you. ;-)

this was a great reply.
I was going to post my own comment to this, but I also have just been saved a couple of paragraphs in it, by your sage advice.
so maybe I'll just glom on to yours.
I have been making art for 40 years and there is only;

  • done, I can't stand to look at this even one more time (this is where I usually end)
  • well, that's as good as that's going to get (not often, but often sell)
  • wow that did almost exactly what I had hoped for it in the end (haha, only happened a couple three times.
  • but there is no good enough.

that's the one thing there never is

I agree 100% you post what you want to share and then get going again.

no rest for the artistically wicked!

Thanks for your supportive words. You're right of course :)


This is outstanding especially working within the limitations of Corel Painter 18 to make such a lifelike digital portrait.

I definitely prefer the alternate version - it is less stark, but again, it depends on the effect you were trying to achieve.

Your interpretation of the original, especially the tinted version, produces an image that's ethereal and haunting. Is that why you added darker shading beneath the model's eyes? The increased shading certainly made the eyes look piercing.

A skillful piece of work

Thanks:) The shading under the eyes just felt right to me - not sure why!

Wow... I can't believe that this was made digitally. I don't know how it is possible but it really looks like it was made just with a pencil after some tiresome arduous hours. I guess the 'tiresome arduous hours' part is my only correct assumption haha

Hopefully they are able to make Corel Painter 18 more powerful and able to carry out multiple tasks rather than bottlenecking and slowing down as I don't think anyone specifically likes lag.

This is absolutely incredible @thecryptofiend. Definitely close to a real life 1 to 1 and I'm pretty sure that you did do the beauty of Nancy Morris justice with this unbelievable portrait. I think she may want this herself to hang on a wall haha

Thanks for your kind words. Yes Nancy said she really liked it.

You have a talent that I am quite envious of. Your ability to work artistically with a digital canvas to create such realistic interpretations (based on your source photograph) is just astounding. Real talent needs to be praised when it is seen, and you indeed have real talent. Kudos to you and may you continue to create beautiful pieces of work.

Thank you so much :)

I saw this while reading offline
I always check out your page
and for days I thought how come he's not posting
and this is why :D
awesomeness is the word!
You're the first one who's ever pulled it off - digital charcoal sketch - as far as i can remember!

Thanks. Yes it took a lot of time to do this!

but you nailed it to perfection!
you're freaking amazing!


Thank you for sharing this.

You're welcome:)

First one is dark and shadowy but in a strangely flat sort of way, as if she is trapped in the canvas and cares not. The hair is reminiscent of flames with something of the quality of fires you might see in a black-and-white newsreel. The second however, is very gothic, like the cover image of a Victorian ghost story.

Great work in both cases.

Thank you. Very artistic descriptions. I particularly like the Victorian ghost story idea - I actually thought that one looked quite ghostly!

I like the alternative version better for some reason. Both look mighty fine though :) Can those with Photoshop use the same brushes? I've been dabbling with a photoshop a bit and I'm just now getting in to brusher other than the first one. I guess I need to find these from internet and install them myself?

I think you can buy some of the brushes to use in PS but I haven't used them - I think you need to buy them in separate packs so may end up being more expensive.

Buying digital brushes? What the world has come to! I've heard people are buying memes these days, lol.

But I'll look in to it, thanks.

Well it is basically like a Corel Painter plugin for PS so you can use the same kind of brushes but it is more limited.

There seems to be sites dedicated for PS brushes. I'm sure I'll find few to my taste, importing seems easy and fast.

OK I thought you meant the Corel brushes. They are not the same as regular PS brushes.

"Striking" is one word to sum up the initial reaction of seeing this beautiful drawing. This is a beautiful drawing with wonderful layers of emotion. This is my musical interpretation of @thecryptofiend 's beautiful piece. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed interpreting it :)

I take no credit for @thecryptofiend 's beautiful work. My music is just a reaction to seeing his work. Much like one would write a poem after viewing the "David" statue or paint an image after coming home from seeing Shakespear.

Thank you so much. That is so very kind of you:) It is beautiful I'm blown away that just a drawing I did could inspire such beautiful and emotional music. I feel there is some melancholic tones here, perhaps loss or longing. It is beautiful. Thank you again:)

My pleasure. I was looking at the drawing as i played and the music just shapes itself. There are emotions at play when that happens but it is almost impossible to articulate them. Music, and visual art has a way of articulating the mysterious :) I am so glad you liked the music. If it is ok with you i may do more in the future:) im following and looking forward to more of your art.
Cheers my friend

Nancy Morris is georgeous in all ways, even in your "mysterious " way :) and digital versions. Put a little bit of pink tint and she might become alive again 🏄🏻‍♀️

Lol thank you:)

intense life in black an white
dark as night
but still bright
from the inside
This women is magicly strong
knows right from wrong
and how to survive
the dark side of life!

Thank you for shing this beauty !

You're welcome. Impressive poetry skills.

OK I'll give you my honest review of your work. You are obviously very talented I can see that but the mouth just isn't right at all, I have looked a few times I can't quite put my finger on it but it doesn't feel right to me. The eyes are brilliant but I think the wispy hair makes it more ghost like, which someone else mentioned. Maybe that effect makes her a little scarier than the photo. But well done you have a great talent for Art.

Yes the mouth was a problem not sure why redid it several times but it is a matter of practice I suppose.

I keep looking at this I think its the teeth rather than the mouth, the lips are fine I think the teeth are a little too defined, of course I am judging against the original photo and I am being a bit harsh I think, just was my original reaction to it. The more I look at it the more I like it, so I guess that says something :)

I think they may be too bright but it is not just you. I kept redoing the mouth and teeth. The first time it was all too bright. Then I dulled it down and it looked too dull I think it is a matter of experimentation ! I even tried using the eyedropper to select actual tones from the photo for the teeth and it just didn't work it looked like she had dirty teeth. So I'm still not sure what it is - I think I would need advice from someone who has more experience in these things. Anyway I had to stop tinkering with it at some point otherwise I would still be messing around with it a year later!

I could give you a few pointers if you assure me you really want them.

I mean you did a good job, but fresh eyes allow for seeing things that we can't see ourselves because we are so close to the thing, after all those hours.

Portraits of specific people are always harder than doing a generic person, but the things that are troubling you are mostly generic. IMHO

I hope you understand what I mean.
Let me know that you would like to know what I am seeing as faults which I would keep to myself otherwise.

Because you did a great job at it and I would hate you to think I mean otherwise.

big hugs

I know the feeling my friend! Usually summer is a slow time for me, but I have been slammed on a project and have pretty much had to stop all my other ventures. Great work on this portrait

Thanks - nice to hear from you again:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow the 1st and 2nd art looks great and mysterious and reflects well on the 3rd photo-..you are very talented indeed hence why you always get my upvote. I outlined the ingenuity of steemit and the issue we have with regards to scammers-see my latest post for details. I wish you a blessed week.

Thank you:)

welcome, always and thanks for all your support.

Upvoted and Resteemed by xx-votesplus, the dropAhead curation team!

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Keep up the good work!

Most recent post: Moving #25_votes_plus to Discord


Wow. That is amazing. I'm trying to get my brother on Steemit. He's an artist as well and works mostly with oils. Here's a link to his website: https://www.nadjastudios.com

Check him out if you get a chance.

Cool will do. You should definitely get him on even if he just shares old work. Also there may be demand for art tutorials.

That's what I've been telling him. He knows a lot about making paint from different pigments, making your own gesso, etc. Could probably add a lot of value to many different people.

Get him on then!

Very good skills, nice review. Keep up good work :)


Really amazing art!



@thecryptofiend thanks for sharing. This is an amazing work to be able to do painting digitally. I used to draw portraits (manually) long ago, but I haven't done much portrait art lately. I do mainly calligraphy art now.

The image you created is very close to the photo, except that you added too much shadow under the eyes, around the nose and in the neck which gives her the look of being too emaciated and almost ghostly. This effect was enhanced by the background of the image you created as compared to the lighter background of the original photo (blond hair, tiara, shoulders and some light glow)

Having said that, the art work by itself is just amazing and what's even more amazing is that you made it digitally.

I hope you will not take my suggestions in a hard way. If so, I am sorry as I didn't mean it.

Thanks for sharing :)

No you are right I was trying to make it more dramatic than the actual photo which is quite soft (due to the lighting). No worries :)

Oh okay! Then you perfectly delivered the dramatic touch you wanted.
I guess I misunderstood when you said

Hopefully I have done justice to the original.

Thank you for your reply and upvote :)

those eyes look deep as hell! Great job!





well-deserved. Oh and thanks for your upvotes that I see on my posts!

You're welcome:) I don't have much time for commenting these days - simply responding on my own blogs takes up a lot of time but I try to support good work.

some people told me they found out about me because you re0steemed my post. Amazing what one click can do )


Wow @thecryptofiend, I found myself gazing at that image of yours, seriously stunning. Great work my friend. Upvoted.

Thank you:)

You're welcome, seriously good stuff.

Excellent work dear friend @thecryptofiend, it is a beautiful work, if you do not say it we could not believe that it has been done digitally, a real photograph, a few details vary from the original, a shadow in the pomulos, the rest is real. Congratulations on the great work
I love Nancy

Thank you:)

The only thing I can say about them is magical. I really love the pictures and they are very close to the real one.

Thank you:)

Wow! Her eyes look like lakes with no bottom, it's fantastic!

Thanks glad you like it:)

Thank you:)

I like it, especially the alternate version


For a second there when I glanced at the preview icon I thought this was a photograph! Wow, I'm really impressed this is a digital portrait - you really captured the intensity of her gaze. Very different from your recent abstract pieces but I love this, too.

Thanks mate:)

I'm not much of a digital painter, but I think I love this. The creative effort into this is enough. At least, it's a variation of the original picture. Only an art-eyed person will see this(winks)


Very nice! Sick skills...keep up!

Thank you:)

Hi my friend! So very cool your new artwork. I don't have corel and photoshop, but I thinking to get one these, and play too! Have a nice days! See U! (;

Thanks. Well you can try Corel Painter for free.

Wow - thats very good man!! I have a lot to exercice to get there.

Thank you:)

Impressive art work, you are talented :)

Thank you:)

Personally, I don't think the photo does justice to your painting!

You are very kind!

I have almost 0 knowledge in painting, design and photography, but I liked first version the most :) alternative version looks kind of very aggressive to me.

I think it has more contrast.

Wow! You did a fantastic job!! She looks amazing and I really like the alternate version.

Thanks so much it means a lot coming from a real artist like you:)

Wow this is awesome you so creative👍


Waooo! this is awesome painting. I think you have what it takes to do more great paintings. Dont stop.

Thank you!

That more real painting, that women like as real. To more detail image.

Thank you:)

This is Glorious !!

Thanks! Glad you like it:)

Excellent work dear friend @thecryptofiend, it is a beautiful work, if you do not say it we could not believe that it has been done digitally, a real photograph, a few details vary from the original, a shadow in the pomulos, the rest is real. Congratulations on the great work
I wish you a beautiful Sunday

Thank you:)

Wow! Your are amazing artist dear friend :)) Up&Resteem


My pleasure dear friend :)

Wow! That is amazing skills, @thecryptofiend
Keep up the great work. You are talented.

Thank you:)

you are welcome.

Very well done! Impressively done in charcoal. I've tried this medium myself on several occasions, and it is a lot of work. Very easy to make mistakes. Cudos!

That's why I did it digitally - it doesn't cost anything if you make a mistake! It is harder in some respects though because you don't have the same hand-eye coordination so you make more mistakes.

Great potrait @thecryptofiend.
I think your hard work actually paid off.
It looks very great and so as the alternate version.
Keep on posting.

Thank you so much. It was quite exhausting.

Yeah the portrait describe it. But it looks great.

Nice post 👍
Exquisite art and creative ideas @thecryptofiend


Very nicely done! Aas from an artist point of view I can say I'm impressed! Congratulations on your work! Upvoted you and followed, so I can see maybe more artwork from you! Thank you for sharing with us!

Thank you:)

You're welcome!

First version is a little bit better for my opinion! Thanks a lot dear @thecryptofiend for your creative works!

Thank you:)

Beautifully done amazing

Thank you:)

You have a good talent, i like it, keep spirit.


Alternate Version pretty incredible one

Thank you. I have to admit there is something about the more supernatural feel that appeals more to me.

Lukisan anda membuat saya iri untuk bisa seperti seperti anda.
Sangat indah.

Thank you that is very kind:)

Terima kasih itu sangat baik :) - hopefully Google translate did it right!

@thecryptofiend Wonderful work!
Justice to the original - ABSOLUTELY!
Loved it, and keep it up!

Thank you:)

I see my name on it and click it right away XD


simply beautiful...

Thank you:)

You did excellent work with this one @thecryptofiend
Some says that we should never copy the exact image otherwise tae a camera and photograph the thing.

Yes exactly. The photo should be a reference but if you just exactly copy the photo then what is the point. You already have the photo.

Who is Nancy BTW @thecryptofiend ?
She is beautiful tho.

Yes she is. She is a model in London.

These paintings are amazing. I've only dabbled a little in art and only a bit in graphic design for digital art and may I just say this was amazing. I've done The Son of Man but never something this close to realism. It looks so mysterious, much better than the original. It seems to actually pull me in as an art viewer.

Thank you so much:)

I have been away , just gave birth two days ago and was thinking about your work. And man, you just amazed me in a while different level , I was so used to imaging figures and water and skies , now this ? I totally love it ! Keep up the good work as always my friend @thecryptofiend

Wow congratulations!

I think you are to rough for yourself. You did an excellent job! But I know the feeling if I'm making my jewelry or makeup sculptures I'm never to the end satisfy about final result (I'm the worst critic for my work!). Thanks for sharing this with us!

Thank you:)

Both appear excellent to my eyes... And speaking of eyes, great realism in the eyes...

Big UuUups!

Thanks I used a bit of creative license to make the eyes look more contrasted.

I prefer the second portrait in a blue tint. It was a great idea that you applied the blue tint coz i can feel the drama. The first protrait is better than the original picture. I love your works. Good to be back man! Welcome back.

Thank you:)

The black and white version is clearly the winner... it captures the mood of the photo in your painting... Good work :-)

Thanks. I think I keep going back and forth between the two.

At first impression I was thought the portrait of Nancy was done by real brush paint. Until then after read more details about the portrait I was quite impressive about it. I didn't know that art would extend to these level.
You have done great job on digital paint. Anyway, the ghostly look of Nancy portrait really catch my attention.

Thank you - yes the digital brushes have advanced a lot.

Looks awesome!
I disliked charcoal when i was in high school .lol
I did however used soft pastels :) I did something with those.

Thanks. I like pastels too.

Anytime! I like wet media the most. I have done portraits in ballpoint pen. Those taught me a lesson. lol You cant erase ;O



What a beauty. I hope we can see more of these amazing posts from you. The portrait is just so awesome. I don't know if others will agree but the way the hair was drawn is very interesting ^^

Thank you:)

Молодец! Продолжай в том же духе.

Thank you:)

Good job, Thecryptofiend! I wish you more free time for creativity! Keep it going ;)


Wow, I am really impressed... its not an easy expression to capture that is for sure.

Thank you:)

Wow. I really can't believe this was done digitally. I noticed you mention you get nervous about posting these things...man I'd like to see the stuff you aren't nervous about posting then, lol.

You are truly humbled, because this portrait of Nancy is really good. Seriously keep posting this stuff.

Thank you:)

Wonderful. Upvoted :)

Thank you:)

very nice image and model! upvoted and followed!

Thank you!

Hi @@@thecryptofiend hope all is well, greetings.
In addition to my last comment, feel free to join the conversation in my new post about future of steem...it will motivate you more about steem . More success to you.

great work



what a thing

the art is very beautiful, I would try to make an image using the system you are using. thank you.

Great publication

Not sure if you are real or a bot.

just check his comments its great publication like 100 times:) so he is spammer
nice portrait of Nancy Morris , but i like her real portrait more:) she is very beatiful

Yes she is. I sent it to her on FB I hope she doesn't think it is rubbish! Obviously not as pretty as the real Nancy.

i'm real

I like your pose on the pic...see my posts for helpful steemit tips, more success to you.

cool use of charcoal drawing

Thank you:)

Wow . Nice art



best one.....

Thank you!

beautiful image please visit my page and support me thanks alot my friend


Very nice ! Congrats!

Thank you.


It should have been also nice if you took a video of in doing this as most people would love it too! By the way this is great!

I'm not taking a video of it it would be too much extra hassle. Also I don't want people to see how bad it looked at the start!

Just a suggestion though :)

Very nice post. Thumps up!

Thank you:)

wawwwoooooooo.......it loock nice
I am your follower thank you to vote on my commendary thank you
@ bakabou159704


real nice work , keep it up

Thanks will try.

Quedo casi real


Good photo
Nice vote+follow me

vote+follow me


I really like you, continued success in steemit, do not be very grateful if there are my votes thank you


for his brother's vote ,, i am a newcomer in steemit .. I am very grateful, very very grateful vote and follow :)

Yeah you did a good job ..





Good post....
I like it....

Glad you like it.

Yeah buddy ..

good work


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Good job, see you next time in Promoted! ;)

awesome ,upvoted! ^ ^

You did a very good job looks like a photo !! :D

ill be happy if you would check my work of drawing ^ ^


Thank you:)

@ehiboss got you a $1.63 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@ehiboss got you a $1.63 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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so............nice picture


so..............nice picture

Wow , that's incredible .. u really talented
i voted it up and start following u

Thank you:)

Congratulations @thecryptofiend!
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This kind of cut and paste response is just spam. Don't do it unless you want to kill your reputation.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Also spam.