in art •  8 years ago 


Ages ago, around 1980 at the University of Lethbridge Art Department, I took a self-portrait off my face with plaster, and lost part of my mustache in it (it was painful, lol). That piece became part of a large object box.

One of the few pictures I have of the object box I made at that time, my cat in front of it. This was in my studio, and she loved watching me work. The object box is still at my Canadian residence.


The detail of it: a fellow student was doing the cast. I was well greased with vaseline, but when we tried to take the cast off, my mustache was stuck. Tried to figure out what to do. He suggested to break the cast with a hammer, I said "You crazy, you are not going to hit me with a hammer!" Eventually we came up with the idea of taping a box-cutter blade onto a strip of cardboard. Pulling the cast away as far as I could I reached in with the blade and started cutting - but pulling caused quite a bit of pain, and I could not be sure because of the pain whether I cut my mustache or my lip! That I also lost some eyebrows I never noticed. Just glad I did not have a full beard at that time, haha. Now you all can have something to laugh about!

Grad May 82-TIME MASTER.jpg

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