This is an unofficial promotion of the art studio I'm working in for the last 3.5 years. The studio in Tel Aviv is headed by the artist Shay Peled and sales manufactured, hand painted artwork.
I made the design in the pictures with the artist Shay. The piece in the pictures is one that we don't often assemble, and so Today when I saw it in the hallway I felt the urge to post it here.
Don't even begin asking me about prices, since the vary much and I have no idea. you guys can have take a look yourself at the studio's website:
I do repeat, this is an unofficial promo. just wanted to share what I do on my day job and also self-promote a little bit :).
doesn't hurt does it? ;)
I took these with my phone.
I mainly create and convert illustration into CAD files. the artworks get assembled usualy of layers, laser cut and painted by hand with the help of painters we employ. some other times I serve as an in house designer and do art visualizations and stuff.