REclaiming What Is Mine.

in art •  7 years ago 

Today of all days.

Today was the day that I felt most comfortable in my skin, and as a result the world opened up to me. I got my gold paint, and my varnish. I reclaimed three of my most beautiful paintings. I got more gallery leads. It wont be long until I can start building parts for my spaceship.


I have been having these odd prophetic dreams lately. These dreams offer me these profound lessons about how I've been going about things all wrong. Everyday I am reminded of that Pablo Picasso quote about finding your childhood in your adulthood. The more I remember how I was, the stronger I become. How odd a thing

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Hey @v-bergotbus-t, nice post! I've developed a better appreciation for art and photos, so it's nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers

Thanks for the complement. It sincerely flatters me that you refer to my art as "good content". Rest assured that there is much more and much better to come in the near future.