Dude Perfect

in art •  8 years ago 

I have always enjoyed watching these guys do their trick shot videos. The videos are way better than the silly show they have on CMT. Proud of this group of guys for sticking together to accomplish a similar goal. Now they live their day to day doing random trick shots. What a life.

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i enjoy them, I cant imagine how long it takes them to make the actual shot,

So I watched a video behind the scenes. They say they put a lot of thought and physics in to each shot. Sometimes it takes them 1 time. Sometimes it takes 30. But the get excited every time they make it just to seem like they made it first time. Either way it is still amazing some of the stuff they do.

They really ran with this and made something out of it

It's so cool they get along so well together. respect.

Yeah that is pretty awesome

that would be a really sweet gig.

They seem like a nice group of guys. Good for them.

Thats awsome

Haters will say it fake