We all only have time until it's September 10th. Please Sign.
Hurray! Thanks to our collective Voice, Article 13 was not introduced, so there is no Upload Filter,
but at September 10th, the european Parliament will decide again, if Article 13 will be introduced or not. And if they say yes, there will be a Upload Filter, and a Upload Filter, like you might expect, is not good at all.
A Upload Filter is meant to prevent Copyrighted Material from being re-Uploaded from a Person, that isn't the original author,
by checking it with the Upload Filter and removing it, if it has Copyrighted Material, but here's the catch:
The Technology is not nearly refined enough to simply add a Upload Filter, because such a Upload Filter can do terrible things:
- It overlooks Copyrighted Material, and so doesn't take it down, even if it should by law.
- It mistakes Material, that is not Copyrighted, for Copyrighted Material, and takes it down, even if the Author is innocent when it comes to Copyright Infringement.
Imagine, this would happen to 7 442 Billion (7 442 000 000 000 000) people.
This is the entire world population!
I think, you can imagine, how atrocious this is.
And it gets worse: This Damage cannot be Undone, since it's done once.
And this Damage WILL be done, if the european Parliament introduces article 13, and we want to prevent it AT ALL COSTS.
So, please Sign this Petition, so the european Parliament says NO to Article 13, throws the Upload Filters right into the Trash Bin, and the Internet will be saved!
Remember: Every single Signature makes a great difference.
If you think ,,I won't sign because someone else will'', you're making a huge mistake.
In your Position, I'd even go as far as create a new change.org-Account, if you don't have a change.org-Account yet, just for Signing that one Petition, because the Internet is in great danger. This is a very important topic. We all need the Internet every day. We all can't live without it, so please don't hold back and Sign this Petition, or the Internet will never again be so great as it was:
Source: saveyourinternet.eu