Trading cryptocurrencies involve a lot of risks which can lead to loss of funds, because of the volatile market conditions and frequent change in prices. Users of ARTDECO must admit to be conversant with these risks. Therefore, they are advised to do proper consultation with financial experts before dealing with ARTDECO. The community will not be responsible for any loss incurred by any user in the cause of dealing with the company.
ARTDECO platform is designed to provide solutions to these challenges of artists. It will give creative artists the needed assistance to develop their art skills in the form of art pieces and transform them into NFTs that can be launched on blockchain. The community will also establish a marketplace where the minted NFTs can be sold to enable the creators to earn a living. Various social media applications will be developed by the community to also help artists to meet a great number of art lovers from across the world that can patronize their products.
Artdeco is a Defi platform powered by Elun Musk, over his passion for the Defi system. It was established to assist creative artists that do not have access to platforms that will help them to develop and showcase their art skills. They face a lot of challenges in exposing talent to the numerous art lovers.
ARTDECO projects to be a meeting point for creative artists and art lovers. The platform is decentralised and allows its members to contribute to the regulations of the community through a voting process. The platform is built on smart contracts developed on Binance Chain in order to maintain transparency and safety of all transactions.
Statement Of Problem
The world is evolving and accepting the Defi system. Investors are shifting their attention from investing in revered commodities like gold and popular fiat currencies, and concentrating in investing in cryptocurrencies. Famous artists, professionals and wealthy individuals have also shifted their investment interests towards the cryptosystem, because they have understood the prospects of the system in the near future.
Various creative artists have wanted to take advantage of the system to explore and showcase their talents and make a living through the system, but it has become difficult for them to access a reliable online NFT blockchain platform to place and showcase their skills in singing, photography, painting, graphics etc. These artists have the talent to create art products with the intention to market them, but they don't have access to a platform that will assist them to develop and convert these artworks into NFT tokens so they can market them and earn their living. Thus, they have a problem.
Artdeco Solution
The Artdeco platform is built with the aim of providing solutions to the various challenges encountered by creative artists in developing their skills. Its services are provided on the Internet. Therefore, any user that has an internet enabled device can access and enjoy the services of the platform.
There are processes that a user will follow in joining the ARTDECO platform. The user will have to upload the art piece content, with some information description about the product at the background.
The art product owner will also state the price at which he or she wants the product to be sold. The Artdeco community then converts and places the price in BEP-721 tokens in the BSC. This privilege of user pricing is rarely obtained in other platforms.
Each user NFT token has a unique identical number which is used to store it in the Blockchain. Every art has full ownership of the NFT tokens, which is subsequently transferred to the buyer of the tokens after due transactions. The transactions on the platform are built on smart contracts built on blockchain technology which prevents unnecessary data manipulation and strengthens the safety, transparency and sustainability of the platform.
The Artdeco platform is positioned to give a unique liberation to numerous talented creative artists by providing the opportunity to create and present their art piece to the digital world and earn a living with their skills.
Artdeco Strategy
ARTDECO platform is a Defi platform developed with the aim of assisting creative artists to develop and build their art piece into NFT tokens using a computer blockchain technology. These artists can introduce their art products to the community in the form of sounds, sounds etc. They mint NFT on the blockchain with these arts products, whose ownership is tamper proven and unchangeable.
The community allows the artists to state the price of placements of their art products. These products can be in the form of a music track, photo or video graphics, recording, painting etc. They are placed on the blockchain, from where the owners mint NFT tokens.
Each NFT token placed on the blockchain has a unique identity number that differentiates it from other NFTs. This enables it to be traded and monitored strictly by the owner to ascertain the sales and progress of the NFT.
The Artdeco community will offer good and favourable partnership with the participating artists. It will also provide an enabling environment for the users to develop their skills. A robust social media app platform will be established by the community to be a meeting arena between its art creators and art lovers. A good marketplace will also be established in the community to assist artists to sell their NFT tokens.
Artdeco Ambassador Program
This is a program launched to empower the community members to spread the awareness of the platform and inform a greater audience about the ARTDECO NFT Marketplace. Participants in the program will get a reward of $100, and have to accomplish the following tasks;
Incentives the community members to create informative contents.
Strengthen activities on our social media channels.
Encourage the creation of community channels to lead community growth.
Artdeco Coin
The Artdeco community is governed by a crypto coin - ARTDECO. The coin is a Binance Smart Chain coin that all activities in the community are centered on. Holders of the ARTDECO coin are given unique rights and privileges in the community. They vote in the management voting process and get weaver on some fee charges on the platform.
The team will supply 5,000,000,000 ARTDECA coins for the project, which will be distributed to the community.
ARTDECO tokens are trading and can only be bought on Bakeryswap and not Pancakeswap. It is trading against the BUSD, and a user will have BNB to be able to pay for the gas fees. The BUSD can be bought with BTC or USDT.
The ARTDECO coin in addition to 19 other more coins will be sanctioned by the team as the base of activities of the platform.
Features of ARTDECO Coin
Exclusive NFT Drops
Members who stake ARTDECO are given access rights to introduce new NFTs on the platform.
Higher Ranking
ARTDECO stakers are allowed to rank their NFT ART at a high level on the Smart Sorting Engine.
Advertising Slot
During the weekly auction bidding of NFT space for adverts on the Dapp, ARTDECO will be used. Thus, its holders will have preference.
ARTDECO token holders have the right to vote on the governance decisions and proposals in the community.
Marketplace Dividends
ARTDECO stakers will be rewarded with a portion of the fees realized from transactions on the platform.
Liquidity Mining Rewards
Liquidity providers on exchanges will be rewarded with ARTDECO
Artdeco Nft Value Proposition
The community will establish an App known as ARTDECO. Its participating artists will download the App and use it to mint NFT tokens with their art piece, and also sell 8It is a friendly App that allows customers to buy NFT using Web 3.0 Wallets.
The company will offer its users the opportunity to buy the NFT with over 20 different cryptocurrencies including its own utility token. This will enhance the growth of its users.
Links to the project: Website: https://artdeco.community
Telegram: https://t.me/artdecocoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artdeconft
Whitepaper: https://artdeco.community/litepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://fb.me/artdecobsc
Medium: https://medium.com/@artdecotoken
Author Details:
Bitcointalk Username : Dadagold
Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2968555
ETH Address : 0x65F82e128b339A3Bd827696e71D54cA4e387580a