When a woman gets pregnant, the early weeks of her pregnancy could be an anxious period for her as she worries over if the growing embryo inside her is developing at a normal rate or if there will be complications that may arise. She also worries about miscarriage and does many things to avert such happenings. One of such things can be the use of an Early Pregnancy Scan, which is also known as Viability Scan or Dating Scan. The beauty of this scan is that it assures the pregnant woman at the early stage of her pregnancy. It also helps to viably confirm if there is any form of bleeding, pain or any other complications. It also helps to confirm if there is really a pregnancy or not. The Early Pregnancy Scans can be done privately or based on a doctor or midwife’s advice to see if the fetus is developing well and healthy and also to know the true date of your baby’s delivery.
Why do women want to perform or Carry out Early Pregnancy Scans?
Pregnant women have various differing reasons for taking an early pregnancy scan. These reasons include:
- To confirm that the pregnancy is viable.
- To discard ectopic pregnancy and also check that the pregnancy sac is located within the uterus.
- To accurately determine the gestation period of the pregnancy.
- To check that the fetus’ heart is beating.
- To determine chorionicity and amnionicity if the pregnancy is a multiple one.
- To measure the fetal heart rate.
- To spot bleeding or determine the cause of any unusual pain.
Methods of Carrying out Early Pregnancy Scan
Early Pregnancy Scans are carried out through the pregnant woman’s stomach i.e Trans-abdominally.
It can also be carried out internally i.e through the vagina at earlier gestation periods to check on the necessary details and also if the womb has tilted backwards.
When can a Pregnant Woman go for an Early Pregnancy Scan?
The early pregnancy scan can be done from between 6 weeks to 10 weeks from the day of your last menstrual period. However if your menstrual cycle is longer than 28 days, it is advised that you the woman waits till at least 8 weeks from her last menstrual period to confirm the embryo’s viability as she may not be as far as her date suggests.
In order to prepare for an early pregnancy scan, it is important that the woman should have qan adequately full bladder. The bladder should not be emptied half an hour before the scan. The early pregnancy scan is done using an ultrasound scan. The following should be known about the ultrasound scan: - The ultra sound scan is painless
- In the ultrasound scan, waves are sent through the womb and these waves bounce off the baby as echoes which are then turned into images on the screen. The screen then displays the baby’s movements and positional changes.
- Though it is painless, the gel used within the examination can feel a little cold and the woman may feel a little discomfort when the ultrasound probe presses on her stomach.
- The ultrasound scan lasts for a period of 10 minutes and from the images, it is determined if a trans-vaginal ultrasound is needed.
The position and shape of the gestational sac is also assessed during the scan. It is also checked to see if the sac is within the uterus to rule out ectopic pregnancy. The presence of the embryo or multiple embryo is also checked as well as the heart rate to determine viability.
The crown rump length (CRL) is also performed. It involves a measurement taken from the tip of the head to the little bottom. This measurement if done correctly is the most accurate way to date a pregnancy. The uterus and ovaries are also examined to check for any pathology such as fibroids and ovarian cysts.
For a woman, the first ultrasound scan may be exciting as it gives her the first sight of her baby. It should however be noted that the first scan does not show the sex of the baby.
Therefore, if you feel any complications or unusual pain or you just need assurance that your baby is developing normally, you can go for a pregnancy test scan as it is safe and very accurate. You should not have any fears about it. Be confident and assured.
I wish you a very safe and painless delivery. Bye for now.