Luengputu Manuscript Aceh pitcher will be sold by the owner. This picture of the mindset of society will not know the meaning of a cultural object. Not only need to be saved, keep it as the identity of a nation. In developed countries artifacts are highly protected and people know what they mean to protect them. We hope the next generation will keep and maintain our own nation's assets. It will be sold at least. This jug has a strong connection with the ancient maritime trading network between Aceh and international traders.
Identity: Name: Martavan Jars (jug / peudana) Producer: Pegu / Myanmar
Year published: 15th / 16th century
AD Address: Pidie, Aceh
Author: Amir Husni
Stone with a very beautiful engraving carving. Tombstone Aceh or commonly known as Aceh stone. This is evidence of islamization in Southeast Asia. Data collection in Ujong Pacu, Aceh Besar District, Aceh-Indonesia Province.
by.Amir husni