The Week Was Awesome 22 Mar

in artificialintelligence •  6 years ago 

Is it just me or is it hot in here? Oh wait, it’s my awesomeness! LOL. Cool down and take a look at what’s been happening out there in our world…

1. Orwell that ends well
1984 had it almost right. The only difference? Private companies want to monitor us TOO! Follow the tale of an intrepid adventurer as she tried to live without Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

2. What’s new with Big Blue: May the XForce be with you
My special treat to you, the latest IBM X Force Threat Intelligence Index. The essential report for today’s ever changing cybersecurity landscape!

Download it here (36 pages of goodness):

3. Past Present Future
How do you see the world changing with the advent of AI? Are you a wizard or a prophet when it comes to the world’s problems? Let me know what you think of Siva’s crystal ball and his predictions of a world with AI:

4. It’s a kind of magic
Will AI ever learn to think like us? To answer that question, we first need to really understand how WE think. And answers are beginning to emerge from, of all places, a street magician (sorry, illusionist):

5. What Kenvi learned this week: Ex Astris Scientia
From the stars, knowledge! This week I found out why the logo of the Subaru automotive company is a bunch of stars. I also found out that it is a specific star cluster (can someone tell me how to pronounce it please):

I challenged the butcher to reach the beef on his top shelf but he declined because the steaks were too high.

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