Ever heard of this expression "Cherchez la femme"... meaning in a loose english translation "Look for the woman"?
It expresses the idea that the source of any given problem is a woman.
So no matter what the specifies of a problem might be, Alexander Dumas in his novel "The Mohicans of Paris" , was the first in1854 to write "Cherchez la femme".
This expression finds a perfect visualization in the image of a coq fight and so it was quite natural to use this for my artwork.
I guess we can agree that it would be much too easy to dump all the world's trouble on the delightful shoulders of some ladys and therefore, when I entitled the work shown here "Cherchez la femme" this was only meant to honor them.
Cherchez la femme"
art & motion by Werner Hornung

The more you practise the luckier you get