Hello Everyone! My name is Michael and several of my friends have suggested that I begin writing here on Steemit to help share the Spiritual and Scientific information that I understand. I believe that Knowledge is power and power can only come from within so I am learning how to help empower others so that they will be able to make informed decisions in their life.
Ascension is and should be a huge topic in your daily lives as we move through a period in time that has repeated itself time and time again. Ascension is exactly like Gravity in the sense that even if you do not believe or understand Gravity, it is still there and present. The same goes for Ascension and self awareness of our Mind, Body, and Soul and the exhausting task of self realization, self Love, and forgiveness. Ascension affects every living creature on our planet, solar system, galaxy, and the ENTIRE Universe therefore it cannot be ignored and forgotten. In fact, its quite the opposite, meaning that your body will ache, muscles will be sore, you will have headaches, dreams, visions, sensations, hot and cold flashes and sudden experiences that cannot be explained. Maybe you have spent the last year picking up the pieces to your life that once seemed all together and doing alright. Suddenly you may have found yourself jobless, homeless, starving, and scared. Maybe you are just alone for the first time in... forever... and now you have some time for self reflection?
I am a father to 3, Daddy to 8. I have been to war and fought the dirty front lines of a war that never should have happened in the first lace, defending people whom died to cover up money and corruption. I received the Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, and various other awards during my Military Service. In 2008 I was retired from the US Army with medical disability due to a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Degenerative Disc Disease, migraines, sleepless nights, relentless arguing and a Pill Purse with a dollar value of medications that exceeded over $1,000 a day. I had zero clue as to what I was experiencing mentally, emotionally, and physically and just like so many other people in America and in the World, we did not question anything. We did not question the motives for the war, we did not question the orders that were given daily, and we did not feel the motives to question all the medication drugs being pumped into our Veterans, Spouses, and children.
For me, my gullibility came to a head the day that I figured out that Noodles grew on trees...
(pictures borrowed for informational and visual purposes from Google Images, All Rights belong to the perspective owners)
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What I remember about the entire situation is that I was about 6 or 7 years old and I was watching the "normal" kids programming for this time era, and a commercial came on TV. In the commercial there were several people all gathered around a tree in a orchard that had noodles hanging from them. They were all happily plucking the noodles from the tree and gathering them in big bowls all the while, chatting away and in good spirits.
I never questioned this... So for another 30 years, I believed that noodles grew on trees and diligently filed it away all the images and information I had seen. I closed the door on this perspective because I felt I already had the answer about noodles. Now, don't get me wrong here or think that I spent the next 30 years trying to convince people that noodles grew on trees because that isn't what happened. During my next 30 years, the conversation of noodles never came up until i began my self awareness campaign of the foods we put into our bodies and NOW noodles and their benefits come flooding back. I am sure you can share the very same sense of "feeling stupid" about some things that just seem common sense right? I mean, its only in certain parts of the world that these special noodles grow on trees right? I was looking for all sorts of justification and reasoning to keep the thought I had for so many years about noodles a truth for me. I did not want to admit TO MYSELF, let alone others, that I honestly thought noodles grew on trees. How could I be so "dumb" to think this and everyone knows that trees do not produce noodles, even myself, yet I still tried to hold on to that thinking? After researching "How noodles are made" on Youtube, These thoughts that I had been holding on to, finally let go of me and I was able to see the complete process of how noodles are made and not grown. I had the moment of "Self-Realization' and then "Self-Forgiveness" and all the embarrassment that we throw on ourselves for thinking something so silly.
Why would I want to tell you about one of my most embarrassing moments, you ask? I am telling you this because it was a very important part of my Self-Awareness and Ascension process that was a turning point for me. I was able to take something that I had never questioned before, educated myself, and change my own mental process of how I accept information, blindly, without questioning or fully understanding the entire process.
How does this relate to you and others around me? Well, I am pretty sure that there is a VERY small number of people that think that noodles grow on trees but there is an OVERWHELMING number of people that blindly accept things, simply because they saw it on TV and or the internet. We blindly accept the Sciences that are placed in front of us generally because the "entire process" seems very intimidating and cumbersome to try to disprove what is being shown to us. The general consensus is that if its super complicated sounding, we will just accept what these people have to say and never question it and as long as there is "an expert" that promotes this super complicated and intimidating subject, IT MUST BE TRUE! Ignorance is a choice that has been the "default" choice of many people, I myself included, and something as silly and insignificant as "noodles growing on trees" can seriously hinder our growth as Human Beings. Ignorance is not our friend in the sense that if we choose to remain ignorant, then we choose to be enslaved by the "given" information that is available by a small group (compared globally) to shape the way you feel about certain subjects.
After I was finally finished with all of my paperwork and retirement "classes" that the Army offers for separation I was switched over to the Temporary Disability status and commenced my VA treatments and care that the Government had put in place. Counseling, medications, injections, and frustration all came together in one little neat package called retirement. Constantly being told that you are sick and that you are unworthy to go out into public any longer, you are a danger to society, your family and friends and there is no hope for you to be able to get any better. Here is a handful of medications that we have no clue what will do to your body in the long run but for right now just keep reporting your symptoms and discomforts. All of these symptoms are logged into a single general database for Big Pharma and associated with each drug... The "testing" is being done on our Veterans for new and stronger drugs that control our thoughts, emotions and actions because, God forbid, that one of these specially trained Soldiers ACTUALLY talk about their experience at war. How dare you come back from another country and tell stories of how you were ordered to do things that went against your own personal morals and beliefs or witnessed a war crime (or many) or maybe you have first hand knowledge of "crooked" things that took place? Well, here is a handful of medication, a diagnosis that says you are unstable, and a few news stories about Veterans "going off" and shooting up Post Offices, and now you have the complete package of being able to discredit someone.
This kind of "discrediting" happens through our media which seems to be controlled by a specific group of people that all think the same way and from a victim stand point and that the General Public should be afraid of these Human Beings that have seen some of the most horrific scenes a human can see.
When a person is subjected to these kinds of things and scenes of death and destruction, we try to distance ourselves so that we feel better. In the military, you are always being bombarded with the idea that you will let your Battle Buddy down if you do not follow the orders given, when they are given, and in the precise moment they are given, otherwise YOUR FRIENDS will die. This kind of guilt manipulation is widespread among the Military and it is what is used to keep the troops all in line with each other. Some say that it builds trust and friendships that cannot be broken. A bond so ingrained that two Veterans of different war eras can instantly bond with each other. This bonding is mislabeled as friendship, love, and caring, when actuality it creates dependency on each other with the inability to make an individual decision. We are constantly worried about the other person, (enabling) and we will always pick up the slack of others in order to carry on the mission instead of making them responsible for themselves and we learn to never question the orders given.
Like many things that we are being faced with almost daily now, President Trump and his unorthodox method of cleaning house, truth about Vaccines, Chemtrails, the media and false flag operations, nuclear war threats, politicians, pedophilia, money and debt.... All of these subjects have been around for a very long time and there has been a huge effort to discredit those who have found the courage to speak out against a system that is designed to hurt its population and maintain control.
In the same manner that I believed that Noodles Grow on Trees, I also believed in a notion and idea of what or who God is that was fed to me since I was a young child in church. Largely a Christian church upbringing, I was told many different things about God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the biggest thing I remember is that if i did not follow "these rules" then MY LOVING God would punish me and make me miserable. I was Baptized twice by my grandparents after I was born because they felt it would make themselves feel better and largely I did not have a choice as to which church I would like to attend. I always felt that I have had higher purpose in my life but I never got the answers to the questions I asked of God while I was growing up. I hated God for the longest time because I could not understand why "he" would put me through all of this pain and agony as a child? Why would he allow me to be sexually abused? Why would he give me broken parents when could not get along? Why did my own mother try to abort me? Why did I need to live with over 20 foster families? What was wrong with me that I could not stay in one home long enough to have a quality relationship with someone? Why was I physically abused? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO DESERVE ANY OF THIS??? Why am I such a reject to society?
Just like I had to do some research on how noodles were made, I Also had to do research on how God was made.
Part of the Ascension process is the ability to determine what YOU believe to be true and this can only be done through research and following the breadcrumb trails that have been left for you to find. Along the way, some bigger bully bird has come along and kicked some of those breadcrumbs off the path and pointed them down a different path in hopes that you will follow it. Some of those bully birds ate the breadcrumbs and did not bother to share any with the others around it and used the things that it had "learned" by eating the crumbs to hurt others.
During your research you will find that you will examine EVERYTHING about a video, picture, or story you are reading to try and justify why you should believe what is being told to you. This "distrust" that we feel is because we have recently found out that "Noodles DO NOT Grow on Trees" and for SOOOO long, you have been telling People around you that they do. Our research allows us to try and figure out a way to EXPLAIN to others how we were wrong when we tried to explain about "noodles" and "trees" without really admitting to anyone, I was wrong.
I feel that those of us who once "looked outside" of ourselves to justify and mentally accept the things we did not understand around us, only ever found more questions, more frustrations, and even less answers to the questions that matter most. What is the purpose of Humanity? What is MY purpose and why do I even exist? Who or What is God? Are we "random" or "designed"? Who can I trust? How can I determine the truth around me?
A person that sits still, scares the public. A person that challenges the way you think with reasonable explanations and positive methods on how to change these thinking patterns is the kind of person you are searching for and that person is YOU.
If you sit still for a short time you begin to see the flow of society around you as they move about in a busy pattern of mostly work and no play time, sensing their frustrations and being empathetic to their needs. When you sit and watch the world go by, the chatter in your head also passes through your head instead of being caught up and scrutinized for every detail. This opens the door for you to ACTUALLY hear your own voice, the voice of reason and caution that makes your heart flutter when you get excited or scared. It is this voice that leads you to your own greatness once you learn how to listen to it, and the really cool part is that you most likely already do these things naturally and without thinking about them.
Its never too late to admit when you were wrong, even with something as silly as noodles growing on trees. Its never too late to do your own research and determine your truth so that you can tell other people WHY you decided to stop doing something.
Although the world may seem like it is going down the toilet at the moment, we must understand that all of the bad things we have "trusted" in our society must be seen by the public. They must become outraged enough to be able to force the changes we want to see in our society and it has to be their idea to make those changes and learn from them. This is called Evolution. Humanity is Evolving with every horrific act being shown to them but on the flip side of that Humanity will Evolve even further when we begin to show every Loving act of compassion towards each other in our times of need. It warms our hearts to see people smile and laugh. Children playing without fear and parents that get to enjoy the developing years without having to work to survive. Clean water, healthy foods, clean air, healthy living and harmony between Humans, plants, and animals is our ultimate goal and purpose and in order to get to this kind of lifestyle we ALL must look deep inside of ourselves to see the reflection of God that we offer to the world. For a person to be reflected they must also be the Observer and with the Universe "inside us" and God is the ultimate Observer, God is looking at me in the mirror.
Be prepared for some BIG changes for America (and the World) and this could very well mean YOU (the reader) will be directly affected.
It is my goal with my writing to help at least one person to change their life for the better by sharing my own personal experiences. I am a man, a father, a husband, a Veteran, and a friend. If you enjoyed my writing then please show me how much you appreciate my words and "upvote" my post here. This is my very first post for Steemit and your votes will determine how much and how often I will write. I welcome any and all feedback to my writings and I am capable of a vast array of subjects. My main focus with my writing is to share a simplified version of Quantum Physics and the structure of Light that is wrapped up in a nice and neat little package called Infinity. In future posts I will share schematics and drawings as well as entirely new inventions that will demonstrate the power of Plasma Energy. Plasma Energy is the "free Energy" or Zero Point Energy devices that allow us infinite energy to power all of our electrical devices, replace fuel based and burning technologies with green, holistic and natural energy.
Its nice to meet all of you and I look forward to sharing the Knowledge that I have come to understand through the written word. This written word builds an image in your mind (imagination) that will allow you to see and determine the outcome of your own decisions and thought processes and together we can create Leaders and Students rather than Followers of Teachers.
I wish the best for you and yours in 2018 with all of the Abundance the Universe has to offer.
Much Love,