Lack of bum guns. The real reason I am not moving to Mexico

in asean •  3 years ago 

Some time ago I had considered moving to Mexico. I have family and friends there and it is a relatively inexpensive place to live with a lot of options as far as city size, what kind of area you want to live in, hell, some people presume that all of Mexico is burning hot year round but that isn't necessarily the case . You can even find some place that are elevated and have a rather cool temperature and it even gets a bit cold in the winter.

They also have really attractive visa policies, especially for Americans -which I am and despite how it is depicted in films, the country is relatively safe provided you are not in the drug game. Difficulty in obtaining vias is a really major part of my life and it is the only reason why I moved to Vietnam in the first place. It will also end up being the reason why I move out of it.

Mexico seems really attractive as a alternative place to live but there is one thing hat it doesn't have and this is a major reason why I won't move there. They don't have bum guns in the bathrooms.


When I first moved or even visited South East Asia I was like everyone else who first got here: I didn't understand why these things were in the bathroom. I grew up in a society where everyone just uses tons of toilet paper. It didn't take much time for me to realize that the Asians have this one totally correct and it doesn't make sense to me that this isn't use basically at all anywhere that I have seen in North America. When I found out that Mexico also doesn't use these things, it certainly was a "tick mark" in the category for staying over on this side of the world.

Without getting into too much gross but obvious detail - the bum gun just makes a lot more sense than toilet paper. For one thing, you never run out of it. You don't have to buy 48 packs of TP and keep them in the hallway closet. It's always there right where you need it and it is also a lot more hygienic.

Think about it ok? If you have some dirt on your arm are you going to rub on it with some paper or are you going to get some water involved?


Another benefit of bathrooms in the part of the world that I have called home for the past near 20 years is that all the bathrooms I have ever had or seen are real "water closets." Everything is water-tight and tiled. So if you are cleaning the room, you just spray water all over the place, do a bit of mopping, then use the bum gun to spray down the floor, walls, sink, and even the mirror. Because of the way that the room is designed in a slight slope, all of the water finds its way to the drains. In the west I had at multiple point in my life bathrooms that were carpeted and man oh man, how stupid is that? How dirty is the carpet in those rooms?


You ever misfired when you are having a wee? Well I have and that, as well as any water dripping off of you after a bath or shower just ends up staying in the carpet forever. This would eventually also cause mold or even structural damage to the house and honestly, this is just a silly practice that I can't understand we haven't moved past in the western world.

About a year ago when Vietnam threatened to kick us all out the first time, Mexico was looking very attractive to me because of their very easy entry programs in relation to Covid, as well as the fact that you get a six month visa just by turning up there. This visa is easily renewable simply by leaving the country for a day and then turning around a few days later and coming straight back. Other countries have this same policy but I've never been in one where the visa was so long. In Thailand the visa on arrival is a mere one month and they will only let you have but so many of them before they say no. In Vietnam there is no such thing as a visa on arrival, you have to apply and pay for a visa regardless of how long you are planning on staying. This process gets more and more complicated the longer you stay. In Mexico, at least for now, the process seems to be never-ending. If you are willing to fly out of the country once every half a year you can basically stay there forever.

But they don't have bum guns in the bathrooms unless you install it yourself. Since I will be renting wherever I would end up - this option didn't seem like a very good one to me.

This one item is something that people I know that once they moved back to the west immediately installed into their homes and people who have never traveled to this part of the world are perplexed as to why they have what is considered a dish-washing hose next to their toilet.

I wonder if SE Asian visitors to USA think we wash our butts in the kitchen sink

For me, it doesn't make sense to NOT have these in the bathroom.

So while this post is at least somewhat a joke because there are many other factors involved in why I am not moving to Mexico, I am not lying when I say that the bum gun, or lack of it in this case, is a big downside for Mexico and many other countries. Why aren't people using these?

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How often do you take a shit in public restrooms? I literally don't think I've dropped a deuce in a public restroom in over 10 years. Though, if we had bidets installed on them here and they weren't nightmare cesspool's, I might consider it if I was super fucking desperate.

it's been a while for me as well. In Asia, public restrooms can be very frightening but that isn't the only reason why I don't pop a squat in public.

I wonder if you'll get this reference
