Obviously, it is quite normal to ask your boss for a raise in your compensation. But, it may be tough to ask for something especially when it concerns money. However, there are guidelines and important points that you have to consider when bringing up something especially asking for a raise. Remember, it is a typical part because you are working and you know your ropes.
1. Recognize Your Value As An Employee – Before asking for an increase, you must know your worth as an employee basing on the scope of the job that was given to you. Can you consider yourself an outcome-driven person? Can you tell yourself you were productive? Try to think it over for a couple of times before making the move.
2. Identify The Amount That You Are Asking – When you have clearly made up your mind, make sure that you have also figured the amount of the raise that you are asking for from your boss. Is the amount considered fair for you and your boss? Is the number in your mind equivalent to all your achievements in the company?
3. Run Through Salary Negotiations – It is very apparent that it is deemed difficult to ask for something especially for a raise. But, you can engage some practice on salary negotiations firsthand with a friend and exchange conversations regarding your proposal for a raise. With this practice, you can come up with a great idea or possible negotiations on how to handle the situation and probably you can lay your cards on the table when the time comes. Check out articles on how to ask for a raise to get a complete guide.
4. Plan A Meeting – You have to think about having a meeting with your boss. In that way, you are exactly giving your boss the idea that you wanted to talk about the progress of your career as an employee.
5. Avoid Being Aggressive – Make sure that you sound diplomatic when talking to your boss about a raise. Just be assertive in a nice way. In that way, maybe you can convince your boss for granting your request.
6. Avoid Threatening Your Boss – You have to convince your boss in a proper manner not by threatening him or her with your words or you resigning if he or she didn’t grant your proposal for a raise. Persuade your boss diplomatically.
7. Do Not Ever Share Your Hardships --- Tough times are normal and it is a part of everyday. But, do not tell or share to your boss about your hard-hitting experiences.
8. Just Be Patient – Yes, patience is the key ingredient in asking for a raise. You have to consider that your boss needs some time to think for it. Remember, you don’t get an instantaneous YES from your boss. He has to look into your performance as an employee and if you really deserve the raise that you are asking for.
Remember, you have to deliberate yourself of the quality of your work as well as your performance before asking for a raise. In that way, your boss will be very much pleased to grant your request sooner or later.