Ask Steemit: If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why? - 10 SBD for the best comment

in asksteemit •  7 years ago 

I recently came across a post by @kevinwong where he asked individuals within the Steemit community three questions. The answer to one of the questions caught my eye.

The question was: "What kind of content would you like to encourage on Steemit that isn't about Steem / Steemit / money at all?"

Part of @jesta's answer resonated with me:
"Another I'd love to see is something akin to /r/AskReddit, maybe #AskSteemit, where the author asks a question and all the responses are answers and people sharing their experiences."

As I am someone who loves asking questions, as you can see from both my Witness Files series and Up Close and Personal interviews, I thought this was a great idea.

The question for the Steemit community today is: If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?


Please include your answers in the comments below. To encourage participation in the first #asksteemit, I decided to offer a 10 SBD reward to the best response.

To qualify, you must also upvote and resteem this post.

Follow me @nextgen622

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I would definitely go back to the time when Jesus walked on earth :)

Me too. Great to hear from you mate. Hope you're well. :)

All good, just busy building our company. It is very time consuming :)

I would go to witness the Battle of Thermopylae, it must have been spectacular and even more so to live it.

La batalla de que? wtf man :)

jajajaja la batalla de las Termópilas, como buen espartano que soy me encantaría ir a verla en directo :-)

I think I will go back today, maybe 5 minutes ago. It would be funny go to the past to use the knowledge I have today, but it would be really sad to loose all the great moments I lived with my family. I would never change this great weekend for example. There is no money that could change that. Because that is life, that is real and remains forever :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Probably go back to Jesus time, become a disciple and get a mention in the bible! Although I would be worried about either getting sick or making other people sick and causing a new plague....but if I had powers I'd just heal them so whats the harm?

If I had to go to a more recent times, than probably the 90s. It just sounds like a nice decade and I could invest in internet companies. Actually most of the 1900s I'd like to visit, the different decades were so different, especially the 50s with there incredible looking vehicles. Plus they still advertised the positive side of cigarettes, instead of focusing on stuff like cancer. Tobacco companies must have missed the memo on how to advertise, because I don't see how they could attract new customers when they keep telling everyone how bad their products are!

I'd go back to right before the library of Alexandria burned down and save some books. It might undo everything on this timeline but I'm curious.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would go back to the Elizabethan era, particularly Shakespeare's time to figure out whether he actually wrote the plays and to see Christopher Marlowe as well. I want to see the plays performed at Stratford-upon-Avon and be immersed in the theatre scene.

I would go back to ancient Egipt to check if ancient aliens are really true. And of course living in ancient Egypt with knowledge I have now would put me very high in hierarchy.
Or I would just go back to 2010 and start mining cryptocurrency. So much money...

Or I would just go back to 2010 and start mining cryptocurrency. So much money...

Oh, that is a great answer. I want to copy that answer.

But how could you convey your knowledge without speaking Egyptian? Plus, what's stopping the Egyptians from making you a slave?

I would just show them. Make a wheel and give it to them and things like that.
About slave - I would take some weapon with me before journey. Think that would be enough.

They already had the wheel invented. But lets say you have a machine gun with 1000 bullets all up. You could probably massacre a whole bunch, but once you run out you'd be overrun, coz they probably had thousands of soldiers. If you brought a tank that would be different

About that gun thing look how white ppl conquer America. There was more native people and white ppl didn't have machine gun. But still gun was a technology that was unknown by natives and they was scared of it.

Yes I wish I had discovered bitcoin and cryptocurrencies earlier too.

I would go back in time when my niece was still alive and healthy so I can hold her and tell her how much I love her and never take my eyes off of her. That's what I would do if I can go back in time. I know she's with the angels now and she speaks to me in ways only I would know. Anyways , that's when I would like to go back to...anytime before May 7th , 2017 and location would be in California.

Thank you so much for sharing @themevlog. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your niece. I can understand, because I lost a loved one a few weeks ago too, and I just wish I could have charished the time with her while she was around.

I am sorry about your loss too. It has been surreal for me and also a spiritual awakening.

also, who did you lose? If it's too personal you don't have to share....I'd understand.

I lost my aunt to suicide. It wasn't just the fact I lost my aunt who was once very close to me and lived with our family for four years, but more to do with the way she chose to end her life. Regrets about what I could have done has often haunted me. Because she battled depression for many years. There was a point when I visitted her and stayed with her in China for a month when her situation got better after I constantly prayed for and with her, and shared with her the hope that is found in Jesus. I regret not spending more time with her when she got a bit better.

I understand, my brother has depression/bipolar . It is a very difficult situatiion for family members....what I've found through my experience is that there's a god/things beyond what we can see. There's signs all over if you pay attention to them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Knowledge is the POWER

I asume i can NOT go beyond my birthDAY, I can bring with me the knowledge an experience i have today, and i will be in my own body at its state exactly as it was that day.
Then i choose my own body in a the small poor country side house, where i was born, just back 56 years ago, to the 1961. That time i was 7. And with todays knowledge - SKY would be the LIMIT to this boy. Simple.
Knowledge is the power

I would go back to the very ancient times of the Carpatian Basin (5,000-10,000 years ago) to see how people lived here, and what language they spoke. I think I could understand them. The Tartaria-tablet was made about 7,000-7500 years ago, much before the Mesopotamian culture, in Transsylvania. This is an evidence of ancient writing existed before Mesopotamian cuneiform.

I would go back to June 2nd 2004 7:20am, 10 minutes before I crushed my arm at work. I would keep myself from getting in the Loader that crushed my arm.

Another #asksteemit post!! hahaha we're in on this, no going back!!!

if i were to travel back in time (why would i? We're living in the greatest time in human history!!) i'd go back to the days of the oldest human kingdom in history. The Ancient Mesopotamian civilization in Göbekli Tepe. Only because it is the oldest civilization currently known and im just so curious to see what it actually looked like. Of course, and to exploit their poorer technological advances.. With the modern knowledge i know now I'd be a GOD AMONG MEN.. Muahahahahaha, that or they'd label me a demon and put my head on a stick.

Do take a look at my post over at :

Stay Awesome!

I would try for the beginning of time.. if there's one :) haha..

i would go back to 1970. that way i would establish apple before steve jobs and then invent the iphone

I would travel back to find out how the pyramids were built .. perhaps also Stone Henge if I could fit it it!

In the words of Louis CK:

Basically any time is cool with me.

I would go to Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947 to see with my own eyes if there were any aliens.

There are many theories about.... How the pyramids where built, why and when, so this is one of the things.

I would go back to the ancient greece to meet Socrates. That was about 440 b.c.
I'd try to convince the people not to kill him.

Easy one. Back to May 22, 2010 in order to make sure to take care of the pizza bitcoin order of Laszlo Hanyecz. "I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones so I have some left over for the next day. You can make the pizza yourself and bring it to my house or order it for me from a delivery place, but what I'm aiming for is getting food delivered in exchange for bitcoins where I don't have to order or prepare it myself, kind of like ordering a 'breakfast platter' at a hotel or something, they just bring you something to eat and you're happy!"

I would most certainly want to go back to the rock music era and fraternise with the likes of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez . The era of free love and rock music resonates within me.

upvoted and resteemed

Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing!

I would go back to the day the dinosaurs went extinct without hesitation. maybe a couple day before so I could explore if I had time. But it would be awesome to see living dinosaurs and witness whatever it was that ended them!

@nextgen622 I would definitely go back to 2008 when they were giving Bitcoins away literally for free and hoard unimaginable amounts.
Of-course I'd then reinvest it all in Steemit today :)

I would go to the day I invested in the wrong stock and I would invest with a leverage of 1000 in something that rallied like crazy. That would make me very rich.

i encourage real people content. like as u see in your country people what are they wearing traditionally and fashion and poor people so everyone help them.

I'd like to see the moment the life first appeared on Earth. And if I could travel in time with my mind only, leaving the body where it is, then I'd like to see the Big Bang, too :)

I have a great interest in the American civil war, so I would like to travel back to that time, and follow the campaign of General Grant.

Just don't follow him so close you get shot

I would go back a day before the Challenger take-off on Jan 28th, 1986 to tell them that they had a bad o-ring that was going to kill everyone on the ship. Hey, if you wanted to save 12-13 million plus people, go back and tell the soldier that had his chance to shoot Hitler to actually do it! - Hansenator

I would tell Archduke Ferdinand that he may want to travel in a closed automobile

I would go back time and encourage Einstein to finish his research on String Theory. :D

Just for laughs: Oh wait, did I just rode a time machine? (Can I go back to the present again? Made a wrong time jump as it should already be proven... time machine itself, lol)

I love peace and calmness, but when I try to think of a peaceful era I can't realy think of one.. So I have to say I would go back to the time where Gandhi was still alive. Such an inspiring person..

I would go back in time to live in Chola era...

Well, I'm a materialistic guy... so I would have done something with exchange rates. Or would buy nowadays sports almanac like Marty McFly, and made bets in the past...