Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December

in astrology •  4 years ago  (edited)


After Scorpion’s search of the depth Earth steps into the sign of Sagittarius that can bring opening up, spaciousness and fierier, more enthusiastic feelings.

The ruling planet of its sign and this period is Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system represents big things, big space and abundance, just as archers do. The planet we can hear a lot about nowadays makes everything bigger: “good” and “bad” alike, so we are exposed to strong effects.

The enthusiasm of Sagittarius, being the last of the fire-signs, is not anymore directed towards themselves but towards values which they adore and the representation of them. Even moral is Sagittarius-analog: archers have great respect towards all qualities they consider worthy, they are often found on fan clubs around great artists whereas they tend to judge and despise everything they think to be mean, lowly or inferior.

They strive towards great expertise and knowledge which is partly driven by their ardor towards those values, party by the question nagging them throughout life: How can I look valuable? How can I represent values?

In the attraction of great ideas and values Sagittarius can tend to secede from reality and tend to be self-conceited that can effectively be cured with self-knowledge.

Façade, appearance and externals are usually important for Sagittarius, they like opulence, luxury, not to mention jewelry. 
With Serendib gem jewels – beyond their unique beauty and value – they can consciously choose their gem-helpers, according to the followings:

Among their birthstones Amethyst, Citrine, and Ruby are usually highlighted, while other gems can have benevolent effects on them, too.
In accordance with their basic drives Amethyst can lift them towards higher spheres, and connect them to spiritual realms. At the same time this gem is considered to be the gem of sobriety, so it can also protect them against going too far about themselves.

Citrine is also in harmony with their basic features: it promotes enthusiasm for strong values and just like archers it is penetrated by the fire of the Sun and radiates it. The gem loves opulence and attracts abundance – just as Sagittarius do. This can also be done by Citrine encouraging the manifestation of ideas, increasing creativity and commitment towards values or service for humanity. Citrine can expand borders which is the innermost drive of Sagittarius who always wants to get further, higher, more… Regular touch of this gem however helps to make the difference between true and false including the awareness of who lives behind the picture they show the world about themselves.

Ruby, especially the gem’s purplish shades, loves, even expect attention and admiration of their value and beauty. The stone’s elegance highlight the inner elegance of Sagittarius, they are a perfect match. 

Aquamarine is the most important helper of Sagittarius being confused or cynical, assist to regain their lost self-confidence. The stability of that is extremely important to Sagittarius. They can surely turn for fresh power to this gem that is considered to be the gem of youth.

Tourmaline can also be a great assistant to Sagittarius who mostly live in their mind, grounding their high ideas. Especially Elbait, the multi-colored Tourmaline is that stimulates accomplishing the unity of mind, body and spirit. The gem promotes creativity and imagination opening new gates into their deeper realms. The rose version of the gem, Rubellite can lead them towards self-acceptance and love as Sagittarius can also deeply condemn some of their own qualities.

Sapphire, this regal gem attracts Sagittarius not only with its value and beauty: the vibrations emanating Divine Order and Truth are in accordance with Sagittarius, also fortifying humanitarian commitments and service.

And above all, Serendib gems bear all the energies characterizing Sri Lankan people so well: the lightness of heart, joy, hope and good will.
We hope that our pursuit of utilizing the power of gems in artisan, designer jewels can contribute to enrich the life with new powers beyond beauty of their owners.

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