Meaning that when people visit the website it has to be able to convert a visitor into a customer. There's a whole lot of stuff involved in terms of optimizing your website, making sure that it has a good sales copy, has testimonials, it has good information about the product, it has all the benefits, the features. All those things are going to play a role in how well your offer converts.
Also making sure that you've got a good price point, you've got a good call to action. Something that incentives the person in some way to want to actually buy your products, service, or sign up for whatever it is that you are offering. Making sure that your website converts is something that doesn't have just like that. Typically what happens is you send traffic to your website, which I'll share some different methods for that in this video, but you send traffic to it. Once you send traffic to it, you're going to see what your conversion rate is. So when people go to your website you're going to see, out of one hundred people maybe one person signs up for your product or service. Or maybe five people do or ten people do. In which case it has a ten percent conversion rate or a five percent. You really need to make sure that you know the numbers.
One of the best ways to track that is by installing Google analytics onto your website and that will show you a lot of the data of your website and where people are coming from, and you are also able to track your conversion rates and all that sort of stuff ok. So you're always going to improve your website. You're always going to test different things and the littlest things can make the world of difference. Testing your price, testing your offer, testing graphics, colors, font sizes, headlines. All of these things are things that you can test. Just by making these small improvements, you'll be able to prove your conversion rate. The other piece that you need is traffic. Not just any form of traffic, but targeted traffic because you can send a ton of people to your website, but what good is it sending people to your website if they're not targeted, if they're not somewhat interested or have an interest in whatever it is that you are selling.
You want to make sure that you are sending targeted visitors. There's so many different ways on online marketing to be able to send traffic to your website. Everything from Facebook, whether that's building a Facebook fan page and using some organic methods. You'll get more fans and be able to promote your website, your product, your service to your fans and Or maybe using Facebook ads through paper click advertising. With Facebook ads you can target people based on their interests, based on certain things about them, their demographic. It could really allow you to get really laser targeted people to your website that can really convert the best for you. You could use Google, the search engine. You could have a blog and put content that is related to your product, your industry, or your service and then attract people to you just from people that are searching in the search engine. Once people come to your website they're already targeted because they came to your website by first consuming some form of your content first.
Search engine optimization is powerful for that reason. Alternatively you could use Google ads. Google has their advertising platforms called Google AdWords. You can pay Google and optimize optimize your advertisements for certain key words and and then again send targeted traffic to your website that way. There's YouTube, which is what I enjoy using and providing content. When you provide content for the people in the way that I'm doing right now on YouTube, and you help people, and you put up videos that are related to your product or service, then when people find it they are already getting a taste for you, for your product, for your service, and what you're about.
It's going to help elevate the trust level. It's going to make them want to do business for you because they are going to trust you more as opposed to someone that they don't really know that person, they can't get a feel for them online. YouTube is a powerful way of attracting people and then funneling them in to whatever your product or service is and send them to your website. Using Twitter, Instagram, Bing, Bing Ads, Yahoo, LinkedIn, there's so many different platforms, Pinterest. There's so many different ways of attracting people and then sending them to your website. Once you have your website set up, what I have to recommend for people is to pick one or two methods first. Decide that you are going to commit to SEO and you're going to build a blog and master that.
In which case, find different courses, resources, and spend a lot of time really understanding SEO and implement a strategy over the long term that could help attract visitors and funnel them in to your website. If it's YouTube, then spend some time working on that. Maybe you find a goof YouTube course. Invest in it. Get really good at it. You don't want to try to do everything and just dabble. You will do a poor or average job at everything. You want to pick one or two things and become really good and skilled at it and drive consistent traffic to your website. Then over time, once you've mastered that, you can start another way of driving traffic to your website and just slowly build that. So we are going to send traffic to your website, either paying for it or getting some fleet traffic through Google, YouTube, social media. Once you get traffic to your website you are going to see exactly how people convert. You are going to see whether or not they are interested in your product. If your product actually meets the demand of the market.
Whether or not it's converting in any way. If not, you can tweek and improve it. And improve it over time. I have to go now. They are going to play soccer here. So I'll see you guys next video. Take care. Hey this is Stefan and thank you so much for watching this video. If you enjoyed this then please hit the like button below, leave a comment to let us know what you think, and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos like this. Now if you want to take your life to the next level then I want to offer you a free gift. It's called my Life Mastery Tool Kit and it literally has the best of the best of what I have to offer in terms of videos, articles, and resources for taking your life to the next level and living an extraordinary life.
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Until the next one, I'll talk to you soon. .
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