What is Aura? Why it is important to cleanse and protect your AURA?

in aura •  4 years ago 

Did you feel nervous or sort of getting negative vibes when around somebody? Mood off without any reason. That’s because of their aura. You can quickly feel and read others energy.

Everything is energy and we all are made up of energy whether it is a living or no-living thing. Aura is one way of knowing what our energetic state of being is. Because Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. Aura is in colourful energy. Different type of people has different colours of the aura that corresponds with our chakras and overall state of consciousness.

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Since auras are connected to our energy, and energy attractions same type of people, circumstances and things in our life. Hence, cleansing your aura is a form of self-care. Like we do take bath, wash our clothes to cleanse our physical body, our aura or energetic field is important to be cleansed on daily basis.

What weakens our Aura?

  1. Negative thoughts and emotions: create holes in the aura that gives way to negative energies to come into your aura.
  2. Lack of 4 elements in our body i.e water, air, fire, earth. Hence, proper intake of natural food, water, fresh air, sunlight, sleep, going in nature, walking, and exercise is important for our body. Because of all these activities, we intake cosmic energy inside our body that helps our energy connected with the universe.
  3. Holding on to pain and not forgiving others creates the same feelings again every time you get reminded of past negative experiences. This creates blockages of energy in the aura.

Ways to cleanse & protect aura:

  1. Meditation in nature connecting with the universe and the god.
  2. Positive affirmations
  3. Visualize: a white energetic flow coming from the universe from your head flowing throughout your body and cleansing all the negative energies and all going into Mother Earth for healing. Also, this visualization can be done while taking shower.
  4. Living in gratitude is the healthiest emotion that raises your vibration and connects to universal energy
  5. Protection of Aura: you do a lot of things to be positive and attract positive energies from the universe but forget to protect yourself from the negative energies around you. So, both are required. Negativity can be in any form: black magic, negative astral entities, someone jealous of you sending negative energies, you or someone saying negative things about you.
  6. Take a bath of the water mixture of sea salt or take a hot water foot bath.
  7. Burning sage and spreading it in every room of your house.
  8. Aura locking by making a cross from shoulder to below and affirming that my aura is locked for the next 24 hours.
  9. Imagining your favourite mantra around the body: Gayatri mantra, hanumante namah, Om, or any other in which you believe for protection and create a knot while completing the round of mantra.
  10. Sitting in sunlight for 15-20 minutes
  11. Going in nature and taking fresh air.
  12. Doing your kuldevi or isht aarti at home and then spreading aarti in every room of the house.
  13. Wearing black turmoil chids in hands and wearing black thread in one leg.
  14. Prayer to archangel Michael, Hanumanji, universe and god to build a protective white shield around your aura and protect you. So that only positive, loving and healing energy can enter aura and all negative energy get back to their original source.
  15. Watering to tulsi maa and chanting Gayatri mantra daily.
  16. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily.

Do any of these practices to cleanse and protect your aura from all the negativity of the outside and make your aura powerful. Share your experiences with me about the changes you felt after doing aura cleansing and protection. Thankyou friends.

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