At the beginning, i must let you know that you can not find out or source "authentic" shoes wholesaler from china, there is no "authentic" shoes wholesaler in china. If they told you they have authentics for sale, then they are scams, they are not trustworthy in this business, because they are all reps, they do not have authentics. You want authentics, then they say they have them. I know the sneaker market trick, so you must believe me: don't buy authentic shoes from china.
If you are planning to sell shoes in the wholesale market, you need to know how to find some good wholesale shoe dealers so that you can have some profits. You can actually find them easily if you know where to look. All you need to do is to find them.
To be able to get some great and profitable deals from shoe wholesalers, you need to know some tips on how to do it. Of course, you can use the World Wide Web. That is the easiest way to locate a supplier of name shoes at wholesale price. You can even find them on eBay if you want.
It is very easy for you to find the perfect shoe that would fit your budget. There are a lot of shoes that are sold at high wholesale price in the internet. All you need to do is to find the right one.
You should always be aware that there are a lot of sellers who are selling cheap shoes at wholesale prices just to make a fast buck. You do not need to fall into this trap. All you need to do is to be smart enough to avoid the scammer or the scammers who try to cheat you.
It is also important for you to know that some people will actually go on auction sites and sell their cheap shoes at low wholesale price just to attract more buyers. This is not smart business at all. It is better for you to stay away from such people and shop at a real wholesale site where you can get the real deal for your business.
Finding good wholesale sources for name shoes is not difficult if you know how to do it. All you need to do is to be wise enough and cautious when choosing your supplier. In that way, you can really make good profits from your wholesale business.
Finding a reputable supplier is the first step. Remember that this kind of business involves money. So, make sure that you are willing to spend some of your money in buying and selling your shoes.
Find out what kind of items are sold at wholesale price. In order to find out, browse the net. See what shoes are being sold at wholesale prices in different auction sites. Try to find those that are being sold by sellers who are being honest and sincere in giving the best deals to their clients.
You also have to be wise enough to determine if the seller is offering any return policy when it comes to his or her shoes. This is because buying shoes is like business. You cannot expect someone to provide you with something if he or she is not going to give you the money back once the deal is done.
Last thing, you should consider to use paypal to complete your payment, especially at the first transaction. Another thing, you don't only consider the price, but also consider the shipping method, customer service, judge if they are reliable. Sometimes, we say: cheap=not good quality, however, you might find a treasure. Normally, one penny, one gain.
So, it is up to you. If you decide to resell reps, please don't sell reps as real sneakers, if you sell reps as real sneakers, ppl will fuck you. Sorry for my rude.
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Good luck! Everyone!
Nice day!