Hydrogen / Oxygen Gas ("Hydroxy gas") & Electric Spark Ignition System

in automotive •  3 years ago  (edited)

"In fact, one of the very first internal combustion engines ran on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen—and featured an electric spark ignition mechanism"

"In an internal combustion engine, the electronic ignition system is used to ignite air-fuel. Basically, this provides heat in form of spark for ignition. This system works inside the engine for creating a spark in the spark plug."

How The Internal Combustion Ignition System Works

"With the vast use of an ignition system in spark-ignition internal combustion engines, electronic types fall to be one. The spark is responsible for producing flame and in automotive where the chemical energy (air-fuel mixture) is converted into mechanical energy (crankshaft rotation). The spark is essential for this to be achieved."

"Because hydrogen is different from gas, the sorts of air-fuel ratios, compression ratios, timing and ignition energies you can run are wildly different from what you'd normally see. For example, you can run an air-fuel ratio as lean as 180:1, and a much higher compression ratio since hydrogen has a higher octane rating."

"Hydrogen and Oxygen gas spilt from water, we can "Hydroxy gas"
the molecules are bonded together positively in a ortho hydrogen state,
****2.4x's to 4x's more powerful than the normal "para hydrogen"***"

"“The biggest mistake we see people making involving their ignition system is not understanding timing correctly,” Ryden told us."

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